Hogwarts Legacy potions professor holding a potion

12 quality-of-life mods for Hogwarts Legacy that should’ve been there from the start


You know when you’re a dozen hours deep into a good game and just a handful of tiny problems are gnawing away at your enjoyment? I feel this constantly, especially in open world games like Hogwarts Legacy (opens in new tab), which is why I’ve been paying close attention to its rapidly-developing modding scene.

In just a week since launch, modders have delivered loads of simple quality-of-life upgrades to Hogwarts Legacy that really should’ve been there from the start. I’m talking about the little things: the ability to unequip your wand or fly over Hogsmeade without that annoying barrier, skip those lockpicking minigames, or finally shut up the annoying floo powder lady. The weirdly blurry minimap? Fixed. Obtuse broom controls? Improved.

