11 years after release, massive mod Morrowind Rebirth hits 6.0

11 years after release, massive mod Morrowind Rebirth hits 6.0


Morrowind may be Bethesda’s weirdest RPG, but after replaying it a couple of times that alien landscape starts to feel familiar and kind of ordinary. One way to restore its outlandishness is with the total overhaul Morrowind Rebirth, which solo modder Johan Rosen has been plugging away at for over a decade, releasing version 6.0 this month.

Morrowind Rebirth refreshes Morrowind, adding new buildings and NPCs to its settlements, creatures to its wilderness, graphical improvements, extra equipment and music, and generally just more of everything. It’s compatible with open-source Morrowind engine replacement OpenMW (opens in new tab) too.

