If you have family visiting for a Thanksgiving feast and a holiday weekend of relaxation and shopping, there’s a good chance the younger demographic will be looking for entertainment. If they have their iPads, they’ll likely retreat into YouTube watching mode, but you can use that screen to bring the family together for some fun game time as well.
I rounded up a handful of games that should deliver entertainment for groups of kids and adults alike. The difficult task is finding games that are available on a wide variety of devices and offer crossplay support – meaning you can play together, even if you are on PlayStation 4 and the kids are on their iPads.
If you are just entertaining one or two kids, I also included a few games that they should get a kick out of, yet are only available on select machines. These games have different age ranges in mind, but can be fun for everyone.
The first three games I’ve selected are no-brainers, but as I’ve found, parents often don’t know that they offer crossplay and don’t need three or four of the same system to get kids playing together in their household.
I hope this list brings you some fun. Happy turkey day, everyone!