The LCK has been for many years an incredibly secured contender for World’s titles, however the last couple of years its domestic league has been in a downward spiral. With only 2 maximum 3 competitive teams in the league itself, it is relatively hard to improve and come ready to the biggest stage in League of Legends esports.
Nevertheless, those 2 or 3 teams are filled entirely with top tier talent that can absolutely fight and win Worlds. In the following series we are going to take a look at the best players coming from the LCK region into Worlds 2022. A lot of incredible talent will be presented in this list from multiple lanes, so let’s continue with part 2 T1 edition!
A young player that seamlessly fits within the T1 mindset, and at this point has the experience in battle to make a difference in Worlds 2022.
It is rather hard to place Zeus in a tie rlist or even judge his overall performance, all of this due to how T1 played throughout the split. While most people would say he is not the best top laner in Worlds, he was one if not the main reason T1 was able to reach the finals and secure 2nd place in the playoffs.
Out of all the T1 players, Zeus was the only consistent in his performances throughout the split. Oner seemed somehow lost in the mid game, Faker did not play hard carries opting for an engagement focused playstyle, and the bot lane went into a downward spiral through most of summer. If we judge Zeus by his stand alone statistics, he was just behind Doran in gold per minute and damage per minute in the last split. Zeus’ impact on the team is absolutely evident in their gameplay, and at the end of the day it is incredibly impressive that he managed to achieve this kind of numbers with the underwhelming performances of T1.
This year’s Worlds meta should help Zeus with his carry champions like Jayce or Fiora, who might become a winning venue for T1. If they manage to help him and enable his playstyle, T1 might show a different side this year.
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Back when T1 was at its peak, Gumayusi was the key force behind the team. In the first half of the 2022 season, Gumayusi talked about his high standards and the potential he truly wants to fulfill, and thanks to his strong mentality and hard work, T1 was able to be one of the favorites to take home the Mid Season Invitational trophy.
However nothing is perfect within this world, and Gumayusi’s shortcoming is his rather small champion pool. Even though he managed to pick up Zeri in Summer, he hasn’t quite brought the same impact that he used to with champions like Aphelios and Jinx. At Worlds 2022, we still expect him to deviate a bit from the aggressive meta and look for comfort, as T1 has been certainly known throughout the years to stick with anything that currently works even for their success or detriment overall.