Dragons are landing down into Teamfight Tactics for Set Seven “Dragonlands”, bringing new traits, augments, champions, tacticians, a brand new battle pass, and more.
Patch 12.11 will begin TFT Set Seven on live servers June 7th or early June 8th depending on which region you play on. The Dragonlands set showcases a new set within Runeterra beyond the convergence and a total of seven included dragons, four of which are totally new to the League universe. On top of dragons are new mechanics that add a Treasure Dragon at Stage 4-7 and Draconic Augments (also known as Hextech Augments). Players will be able to experience several new Tacticians, including Chibi Yasuo, along with a Set Seven Dragonlands battle pass.
For the players that are all about the loot, ranked rewards will arrive in Patch 12.12 on June 23rd, previously scheduled to drop in Patch 12.11 however didn’t happen. At the beginning of Set Seven, all players will be reset to Iron II and receive five promotional matches that prevent players from losing LP while gaining bonus LP if you get a top four finish. Hyper Roll ratings are going to be reset to 500. Double Up now has a unique ranked ladder where all players will start at Iron II as well.
A big number of changes are gonna be implemented with the launch of TFT Set Seven Dragonlands. The revamped Draconic Augments now drop at new times within the match while Raptors have been replaced by the “Treasure Dragon”. Neeko’s Help has been officially replaced by “Champion Duplicator”.
As mentioned before, Hextech Augments are now a thing of the past, as now we have Draconic Augments to use. Over 100 new Augments were added in Set Seven, with the conjunction of a large number of Set Six Augments. Some of the older Augments have been either reworked, removed, or rebalanced while others have remained entirely the same.
In regards to items, the addition of Dragons with their unique power levels and abilities has provided a handful of balance changes to TFT items for the Dragonlands set. Regular items like Hextech Gunblade and Bloodthirster now have overall omnivamp as opposed to direct healing on spells. Archangel’s Staff was given quite a big buff in starting ability power and Dragon’s Claw was entirely reworked.
Champion wise there isn’t much change, the Dragonlands set showcases a total amount of 58 champions, including four new dragons to the League universe never seen within “League of Legends”. Dragons will cost twice as much in the shop, while tripling their Origin trait with increased ability powers.
Lastly, a total of 28 traits are implemented in TFT Set Seven, showcasing brand new and returning origins/classes. Astral is a built-in reroll trait for the Dragonlands set and Mirage is the new mechanic similar to the previous Mutant trait. Whispers is a trait with built-in effects similar to the item Last Whisper which decreases enemy resistances. Scalescorn is the newly anti-dragon trait and Shimmerscale provides players with a constant eight possible rotating items.
Overall the new patch brings some excitement via the dragon thematic, with some needed changes especially within Hyper Roll. Players will be able to start testing compositions and builds rather soon, as the patch has already finished within the PBE.