The first day of Worlds 2022 Semifinals gave the State Farm Arena a historical series. T1 faced off against an LPL team other RNG for the first time in a bo5 match-up between the last LPL hopeful and the most decorated Worlds team ever. After careful macroplays, risky ganks, and crazy maneuvers from both pro teams, the legendary T1 showed the world that they were still the strongest in the game, and booked their tickets to the Finals stage for the first time in 5 years.
Faker at Worlds: pic.twitter.com/dRYOIOMsP3
— LoL Esports (@lolesports) October 30, 2022
T1 vs JD Gaming (Game 1)
Day 1 began with a very close match between the two Worlds titans. Trusting in the Lucian-Nami combo, T1 gave the crowd a show with Faker’s Galio and a team comp that could’ve wrecked any side lane. A cautious start from both teams had all eyes on the bottom lane, but Kanavi’s early cs lead gave space for JDG to take first dragon. A bit of an overconfident bot side gank gave T1 first blood, but JDG was able to match it and keep the score fairly even past the 10-min mark. The macroplay by the LPL on top lane was brilliant, constantly matching T1’s dive comp into the midgame blow for-blow. This world-class fight saw a constant back and forth between the two giants, with reengagements that could’ve swung teamfights either way. Holding both the gold and objective lead, JD Gaming was poised to win game 1, but T1 still fought like hell for picks. The LCK #2 seed was able to secure Baron buff in exchange for dragon soul, and a stalemate over Elder dragon saw the most glorious bloodbath in the game. JDG was eventually able to take it and ran down mid after a successful teamfight, claiming the day’s first Nexus with just one cannon minion.
- Teams: T1 0 – 1 JDG
- Time: 39:46
- Kills: 14 – 20
- Turrets: 5 – 8
- Gold: 68.9k – 73.4k
- Dragons: 1 – 5
- Barons: 1 – 0
FIRST BLOOD FOR GUMAYUSI! #Worlds2022 pic.twitter.com/UTyLjBHncI
— LoL Esports (@lolesports) October 29, 2022
T1 vs JD Gaming (Game 2)
Gumayusi getting the highest damage output last game gave him the confidence to play Lucian again, and it paid off. The draft was an absolute treat, with Faker using his classic Ryze against Yagao’s Sylas. Yone and Malphite clashed in top lane, as a 1-for-1 exploded in bot lane before the 3-minute mark. Kanavi once again exercised full control over the jungle in the early game, but a quick play from Oner stole the first dragon in exchange for a kill. The midgame saw another back and forth that got both teams picks across the map. Neither gave an inch, and a step too far was always punished. The 22-minute lull was broken when T1 stole a Baron and swiftly used the momentum to take down the enemy’s top and mid inhibitor. JDG was able to dictate the game’s momentum this far, but T1’s gold spike was enough for the LCK #1 seed to blow the game wide open. A respawned inhibitor kept T1 from ending the game however, and forced their remaining champions to retreat. Zeus’ gameplay was a masterclass in playing AD Yone. He followed Oner’s example and sacrificed a kill to keep the LPL from taking soul point, and Faker’s elite Ryze teleport maneuvers supported his team until they finally secured the win.
- Teams: T1 1 – 1 JDG
- Time: 33:59
- Kills: 17 – 12
- Turrets: 10 – 3
- Gold: 67.2k – 58.0k
- Dragons: 2 – 3
- Barons: 2 – 0
The Final Boss of #Worlds2022 pic.twitter.com/Y86OzziZtF
— LoL Esports (@lolesports) October 29, 2022
T1 vs JD Gaming (Game 3)
Game 3 was an action-packed game that stayed close throughout. Gumayusi’s Nocturne pick threatened to take JDG’s map control away from them, while T1’s bottom lane comp remained the same. An early game tower dive earned JD Gaming first blood, and highly aggressive plays across the rift gave the crowd an absolute killfest 6 minutes into the match. Zeus getting the upper hand against the enemy Viego gave him enough space to turn their top lane’s situation around. No lane was safe for the LPL’s 2nd seed after Nocturne got his ultimate and secured a small lead with the first drake objective. T1 won one teamfight after another and took bottom lane inhibitor 25 minutes in. The LPL team answered the call every time, but a decisive mid lane teamfight led by Gumayusi shut JDG down for the last time for series point.
- Teams: JDG 1 – 2 T1
- Time: 30:49
- Kills: 18 – 23
- Turrets: 3 – 10
- Gold: 57.4k – 67.1k
- Dragons: 1 – 3
- Barons: 0 – 2
ROUND 2 GOES TO FAKER! #Worlds2022 pic.twitter.com/uvPNhK5rFC
— LoL Esports (@lolesports) October 29, 2022
T1 vs JD Gaming (Game 4)
T1 closed the series with the biggest score gap seen in the semifinals so far. 369 and Yagao were able to control Faker’s Azir despite not catching him for a kill. To no surprise, neither team could get one over the other in the middle of the game, trading picks and keeping the score close. Oner’s synergy with the team made sure that the enemy never claimed a single drake. T1 eventually found great engagements with massive plays from Gumayusi and the “unkillable demon king”. The Koreans played incredibly well despite Faker never having used Azir in Worlds before. The LCK was able to win three straight teamfights that resulted in an impossible deficit against JDG and denied them any chance of winning semifinals. The fan favorites were just unstoppable at this point. T1 destroyed JDG’s nexus, ended the game, and secured their spot at the Worlds 2022 finals with thunderous applause.
- Teams: T1 3 – 1 JDG
- Time: 24:53
- Kills: 7 – 30
- Turrets: 2 – 10
- Gold: 40.5k – 53.9k
- Dragons: 0 – 4
- Barons: 0 – 1
After 5 years, @faker and @T1LoL are back in the Worlds Final! pic.twitter.com/eF5Lw20AQ8
— LoL Esports (@lolesports) October 30, 2022
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