Welcome back to Sliding Doors!
Each week we run through the League of Legends Circuit Oceania teams with sometimes spicy, sometimes nice if/then takes, and, every now and then, an additional bonus one around a special topic.
You might be familiar with this concept if you’re an AFL fan, which is where we got the idea. Anyway, here are your sliding doors for the LCO Split 1, Week 3!

you end the first round robin in the top half,

it’s been a successful start for Bliss — will be watching to see if they can keep it up across the split.

you learn the most from your losses,

best to get them out the way early, the team is still par for the course. Shouts to coolcat for an absolute belter this morning.

the split is a marathon and not a sprint,

it remains to be seen if they can keep up their great pace, but it definitely doesn’t hurt getting off to a flying start.

the only win you can cop is from a forfeit,

it’s not the ideal start, games against 5th and 6th will show where they really stand.

Kanga can’t knock off Ground Zero this week,

it’s a start to a season to forget.

you’ve been compared with Gravitas for the last 3 years,

they should be keeping the receipts, for the first time in a long time they’re not at the foot of the table. Remains to be seen how long they can keep it going.

you’re looking for a take on this team,

I can’t give you one because they have yet to play after two weeks of action. If they make the rift this week however, I hope they lose both games, otherwise it’ll raise more awkward competition integrity concerns than OCE TFT had last week.

there’s a real chance the team finishes 3rd this week,

there might be a bit of soul searching going on to ensure they can bridge the gap for the next phase.
That’s all we have for this week! Check back next week for more Sliding Doors content!