TFT Patch 12.19 details a Jayce rework, heavily adjusts Scalescorn, and hits a list of Dragons with changes.
According to Game Designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer, Scalescorn was a trait that didn’t function once players had a Dragon in, which kind of limited how they could play it. “Well, a truce has been made, and now they can work together! This means you can even Scalescorn emblem a Dragon now!” stated Mortdog.
Through a series of tweets that detailed the significant changes in the patch, Stephen “Mortdog” also revealed the exact reason Jayce was hit with a minor rework in the second Uncharted Realms Patch. “Jayce is getting reworked as the Guild/Ragewing comp had a bit too much CC that chained too well. Jayce is losing his CC, but will be a bit more durable to make up for it.” Thanks to the new update, TFT fans can now play Olaf with available Dragons in-game, and not ‘lose out’ on available Scalescorn damage.
As the Uncharted Realms Championship gets closer, TFT’s Lead Champion Designer revealed the upcoming changes to Dragons, enabling players to get powerful rewards upon pursuing more than three units. “Dragon 5 has been updated a bit to be a little less of a bait…but more importantly there is a new chase trait of Dragon 6 which causes your Dragons to ascend! They’ll be a LOT more powerful if you can hit this, so good luck!” stated Mortdog.”
Sc early star-level orbs now drop gold more often than Astral units. This means that it’s slightly harder to upgrade Astral units in Stage 2
Dragon (5) grants 10% Attack Speed changed to Heal 40 Health every second.
Dragon NEW: Added a new breakpoint: Dragon (6)
Dragon (6) will cause your Dragons to ascend!
Dragonmancer Health: 250/600/800/1000 changed to 275/650/850/1000
Dragonmancer Ability Power: 18/30/50/70 changed to 20/35/50/70
Dragonmancer: If the player hasn’t chosen a Dragonmancer Hero, a message will now pop up to remind the player to do so.
Dragonmancer: The Dragonmancer Blessing item highlight on PC has been updated to be a different color to better differentiate it from the Lesser Rune of Allegiance item in Double Up.
Mirage, Electric Overload, percent max Health Damage: 8% changed to 9%
Scalescorn can now be played with Dragons. The trait remains active even with Dragons in play
Scalescorn Damage Reduction from thick units with over 1900 Health: 20% changed to 15%
Scalescorn bonus magic Damage: 15/50/100% changed to 15/50/90%
Jade Attack Speed: 10/25/45/88% changed to 10/30/55/88%
Mage Ability Power multiplier: 80/110/140/170% changed to 80/105/135/170%
Omnivamp: 15/30/50/75% changed to 15/30/45/75%
Swiftshot Attack Speed: 10/15/25/35% changed to 10/15/25/40%
Gnar receives a considerable attack speed and his spell damage buff, as Riot’s official patch notes post details the new improvements, hinting at the possibility of a Gnar reroll comp. Reroll at level 6 to 3-star your Gnar, collecting copies of Jax, Olaf, and Wukong along the way. Once you 3-star Gnar, commit to leveling to add Jayce, Soraka, and Shi Oh Yu.
Gnar items should change based upon how much ‘fun’ the player wishes you want to have. The coveted double Rabadon’s Deathcap, Runaan’s Hurricane or Guinsoo’s Rageblade will capitalize on the stats Gnar gains from Ability Power during his transformation, but a higher damage build (which is likely better) would be Runaan’s Hurricane, Bloodthirster, and either a Giantslayer or Infinity Edge.” read the blog post.
As the only ranged Whispers unit, Zyra gets a lot of time to attack safely from the backline, allowing her to quietly grow her Attack Damage and Ability Power like a weed with Whispers, while getting Attack Speed from Guinsoo’s Rageblade. The backline buff is intended to support the champion’s effectiveness as a reliable in-game carry.
Lee Sin Bugfix: Lee Sin’s Ability will now properly deal damage to enemies at the end of the knockback
Lee Sin Dragon’s Rage Damage: 230/300/385 changed to 215/285/385
Volibear Relentless Storm 3rd attack magic Damage: 110/160/225 changed to 115/170/240
Zippy Somersault Assault Attack Damage ratio: 400/425/550% changed to 400/425/600%
Xayah Feathers FLY! feather return Damage: 15/20/60 changed to 13/20/60
Ao Shin at 3-stars will now fire 100 barrages of lightning strikes instead of 20
Ao Shin Lightning Rain Damage: 185/300/2000 changed to 185/275/2000
Aurelion Sol Black Hole Damage: 350/575/4000 changed to 370/600/4000
Gnar Mega Gnar Transformation Bonus Armor: 40/50/75 changed to 40/60/9
Zyra Spell Damage: 325/425/550 changed to 325/425/550 changed to 225/325/550
Zyra Bugfix: Zyra no longer interrupts her cast animation at high Attack Speeds. Zyra will now pause to finish her cast animation before resuming attacking
Nunu no longer converts his damage to true damage if he has higher Health than his target
Nunu Consume Damage amplification: 20% changed to 40%
Rakan max Mana nerf: 0/60 changed to 15/75
Seraphine max Mana nerf: 75/150 changed to 100/175
Seraphine Serenade of the Seas Shield Duration: 5 changed to 4 seconds
Seraphine Serenade of the Seas on-hit Damage 20/35/100 changed to 20/35/70
Zeri max Mana buff: 40/80 changed to 20/70
Zeri Watershock Laser Damage: 200/300/475 changed to 225/325/475
Hecarim Mana adjustment: 60/105 changed to 30/90
Jayce Armor & MR: 50 changed to 25
Jayce NEW: Mercurial Justice transformation no longer knocks up enemies in an area around his target. Instead, he gains bonus Armor and Magic Resist for the rest of combat.
Jayce Mercurial Justice Bonus Armor & Magic Resist: 45
Jayce Mercurial Justice transformation damage: 225/300/800 changed to 275/350/900
Nilah Bugfix: Nilah’s stolen shields now properly stack
Nilah Slipstream Stolen Shield Duration: Permanent changed to 4 seconds
Shi Oh Yu Jade Form Attack Damage ratio: 250/275/1000% changed to 250/300/1000%
Swain Dragon Master’s Decree Damage: 70/100/600 changed to 85/120/600
Sy’Fen comps been struggling to find their voice in Whispers comps with Zyra stealing all the focus for the comp. Since the developers pruning back Zyra’s power, we have an opportunity to put power back into vertical Whispers with a stronger bite and an earlier cast. The change intends to make Sy’Fen help oppose the opening backline and “be ready to do it again even sooner than before.”
Sy’Fen Rampage bite Armor penetration: 25% changed to 33%
Sy’Fen Mana buff: 100/175 changed to 90/160
Celestial Blessing and other generic, easy-to-play augments are generally intended to be weaker than the more specific and difficult-to-play Augments, but according to Riot’s TFT team, Celestial Blessing is in a universally “very good” position. With a high pick rate and win rate, the developers are deploying sizable nerfs for the overheal shield since that’s a strong source of power that’s less appreciated.
To make Spatulas more uncommon, the developers are focusing on adjusting the accessibility of this trait. “ We want Spatulas to remain high moments rather than feeling like half the lobby works at IHOP, so we’re removing one of the most common ways to get Spatulas.” read the blog post at Riot’s official site. Weakspot is too desirable for a generic Augment that doesn’t promote creative play. With both anti-heal utility and free armor pen, the devs think its “rather better” remove the Augment than to continue nerfing it further.
Base Camp (Scalescorn) Damage Increase per Stack: 8% changed to 7%
Battlemage I/II/III Ability Power: 10/20/30 changed to 15/25/35
Better Together grants a Protector’s Vow changed to Locket of the Iron Solari
Birthday Present now additionally grants 1 gold every time you level up
Celestial Blessing I/II/II Overheal Shield: 300/450/600 changed to 250/350/450
Future Sight I Tier: Gold changed to Silver
Pandora’s Bench Tier: Gold changed to Silver
Pandora’s Bench Gold granted: 7 changed to 2
Sunfire Board Duration: 15 changed to 20 seconds
Tiamat Splash Damage: 40% changed to 50%
Urf’s Grab Bag I Removed
Weakspot Removed
Binary Airdrop: Shyvana, Jayce, and Jax will no longer receive backliner damage items
Dragonmancer Conference can now only appear on 2-1
Scoped Weapons I Attack Speed for units in the back 2 rows: 10% changed to 15%
Jade Attack Speed: 10/25/45/88% changed to 10/30/55/88%
Mage Ability Power multiplier: 80/110/140/170% changed to 80/105/135/170%
Ragewing Omnivamp: 15/30/50/75% changed to 15/30/45/75%
Swiftshot Attack Speed: 10/15/25/35% changed to 10/15/25/40%
Dragon on too long: Age of Dragons tooltip has been shortened and will now fit better on mobile screens
Nilah’s stolen shields will now properly stack
Kai’Sa’s name has been fixed from Kai’Sa in every instance
Hecarim’s Rage bar will now properly displays in increments of 15 (visual only)
Astral now should properly grant Ability Power in ghost armies
Jade now should properly grant Attack Speed and healing in ghost armies
Soul Siphon should now properly grant the top-most trait of the sacrificed unit
Nunu can no longer attempt to swallow units that are invulnerable
Nunu can no longer occasionally fail to cast his Ability if he has +1 Attack Range
Cannoneer’s cannon shots should now benefit from Celestial Blessing’s omnivamp.
When does TFT Patch 12.19 Arrive on Live Servers?
Besides including a massive Nunu nerf and various other buffs for underperforming champions, the update also adds several other features for the mobile version of the game. TFT Fans can now view their Match History by tapping on their portrait from the Home screen. Riot’s Teamfight Tactics team have introduced the addition of tabs to the Mobile Missions panel to better track player progress. TFT Patch 12.19 is slated to hit live servers across all regions on Wednesday October 5.
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