After a very long time, League of Legends players will enjoy the Spirit Blossom event once again as Riot Games has unveiled its trailer. More information will be provided soon but for now, the trailer is enough to hype the community!
What is Spirit Blossom?
Spirit Blossom is one of the most awaited events among the League of Legends community. In other words, it includes some of the top LoL skins in the game. It was first introduced back in 2020 and you may remember it as Yone’s birth, as he was also released at that time. The first Spirit Blossom skin line featured Yone, Yasuo, Lillia, Vayne, Teemo, Thresh, Ahri, Cassiopeia, and Kindred. This time, the span increases as more champions will be added to the Spirit Blossom skin line. As mentioned, there are nine champions that have a Spirit Blossom skin and it is expected to be doubled, gossip around the web says.
Around a month ago, it was speculated that this year’s Worlds event would be Spirit Blossom but no further announcement was made from the side of Riot Games. Lastly, it is now confirmed that the speculations were true and this year’s Worlds event will be the one that was being talked about. Moreover, the upcoming skins were also leaked by some of the players and Riot Games teased some of them in the trailer. Apart from the ones that Riot Games has announced, more will come according to others.
Previous Spirit Blossom Events
Back in 2020, in the first Spirit Blossom event, we saw the story from Yone’s perspective as he was the upcoming champion that needed some hype behind it. This time, we have seen it from Sett’s perspective. Sett is the protagonist of the upcoming event and he will probably receive a legendary skin in the next few days or weeks. He is a Wandering Spirit in the Spirit Blossom universe, looking for his Azakana father, the Spirit of Abandonment. During his journey, he meets lots of different spirits and he narrates it as he is writing a letter to his mother. Apart from Sett, Tristana, Master Yi, and Soraka were also teased in the video with their new skins.
There are four official skins that are coming to the game with the release of the event for sure but it looks like there will be more. According to some of the gossip going around, especially on Twitter, there are five more champions to receive new cosmetics with the upcoming skin line. These champions are Yorick, Aphelios, Darius, Evelynn, and Syndra. Again, these are just gossip and speculations going around on the web but keep in mind that these kinds of leaks are mostly accurate. Some people actually knew that Spirit Blossom was going to be the Worlds 2022’s event and skin line and it came out to be true.
Worlds 2022 is at the door and the competition will be at its peak without any doubt. Teams will compete against each other and fans will try to pump up the excitement with LoL betting, as well as enjoying the Spirit Blossom skin line.