After facing problems in the previous event, Star Guardian, LoL players can now enjoy the new event, Steel Valkyries. The event is now live, as it started on August 25, and it will last until September 26. Players have plenty of time to complete the missions and win rewards for their accomplishments!

The Event is Live!
The Steel Valkyries event is now live and players can start their journey by logging into their League of Legends accounts. The first thing that pops on the screen is the event page on the client so players will not miss the chance. Just like the previous events, there are two options for players, the Event Pass and the free version. With the Event Pass, players will spend 1,650 RP to acquire it but unlock extra missions, 200 tokens, and four Steel Valkyries 2022 Orbs in return. Moreover, players can also obtain a Janna Champion Shard, Cyber Halo Janna skin, and the Cyber Halo Janna icon with the exclusive event bundle. If you invest some RPs into it, you will get fantastic rewards. However, the free option offers some default missions in which players will still be able to win rewards and great cosmetics!
It went live and players can log into their accounts to start working on the missions. As mentioned, it started on August 25 and players have plenty of time until September 26. Besides, the tokens that will be earned throughout the event will stay until October 3 and players will have a little more time to think about how to spend them.
Steel Valkyries Mega Bundle
Apart from the missions, the event has also brought a new bundle, the Steel Valkyries Mega Bundle. It includes Janna, Camille, Lucian, and Nasus, along with their Steel Valkyrie skins (Cyber Halo, Strike Commander, Strike Paladin, and Armored Titan) and icon borders, and even an I.S.R. Drone Ward for 9431 RP. Janna is a great enchanter support champion and Camille is a split-push monster. Lucian is a great pick for ADC, and it can even be picked as top or mid in lower elos. Lastly, Nasus is one of the most famous top laners in the low elos but interestingly, it is also one of the top jungle champions in Iron and such.
Players complained about mission-related bugs during the Star Guardian event and Riot Games decided to extend the duration of the event. The community managed to claim their rewards and complete the missions and it is now time for the new event. This time, the players hope that they will not face any bugs as it is frustrating even though the company finds solutions for the bugs. Normally, there would be some time between two events in League of Legends but because of the extended duration of the previous event, the new one has begun right after it.
Steel Valkyries may be one of the best events this year thanks to its great cosmetics, still behind the LoL Essence Emporium for sure. Don’t miss the chance to win great rewards and especially in-game cosmetics! Besides, if you want to learn more about betting, here is a great LoL betting guide for you!