LoL Patch 12.15 Best Mid Laners to Climb With

LoL Patch 12.15 Best Mid Laners to Climb With


Best mid laners to climb with in patch 12.15 as we near the end of Season 12.

Are you looking to gain some LP, jump a couple of divisions, or maybe found a new champion to one trick consistently? If you are looking to play mid lane in the current state of League of Legends, you should keep the meta in mind. Some champions can win you games by themselves, while others can make it hard to win. So here are some champions we believe will help you in your climb.


Viktor hasn’t got any changes this season, except the Durability Update, despite the fact he is one of the best mid lane mages you can play at the moment. Ever since his introduction to the League roster, Victor has been one of the best scaling champions and with the change to his Hexcore Updates, his scaling conditions are met much easier.

But if you’d like to pick up Viktor and learn how to best play him, you should get out of the mindset of being the safe pick that scales. Viktor is actually one of the most dominant laners in mid, especially during level 1. His self-shield on his Siphon Power (Q) and easy-to-hit Death Ray (E) makes his trading patterns very favorable.

He is also very flexible when it comes to itemization, as you can go any of the four mana Mythics without problems, and most of the Legendary items perfectly fit him as well.


Sylas was in a fine position most of Season 12, but after some Kingslayer (W) buffs and a general nerf to Grevious Wounds, he became one of the best mid laners to climb with.

He became a pick/ban in pro play during the recent weeks, but that was contributed by the prevalence of Gnar picks in the top lane. Gnar doesn’t see too much play in solo queue, but with how much champion variety is in there, you won’t have a big concern finding Ultimates to steal.

Plus, Sylas at the moment is not as Ult dependent as he was before, one of the reasons why he is as good as he is now. After a very weak start to the game, Sylas has a pretty big power spike in level three or four. If you can manage to get a kill in lane using this spike and Ignite, Sylas can snowball a game comfortably with only his three basic abilities.



If you’ve read our 12.15 ADC recommendations, you might have seen us suggest Swain as a good bot laner to pick up. We talked about how he is very good at 2v2 when he reaches level six, despite his weak early levels. But in mid lane, you can play him more comfortably as it is much easier to avoid early fights.

Plus Swain really likes getting accelerated when it comes to his levels and gold which it is when you put anyone in mid lane. Reaching level 11 for the second point in his ultimate is very important and you can get to your item power spikes much faster.

There are a couple of different Swain builds out there. You can go Imperial Mandate/Rylai’s for a fast two-item spike if the enemy is mostly melee and your team has multiple damage sources, or you can go Liandry’s/Zhonya for a much bigger damage combo.

One quick tip, you can use your Vision of Empire (W) to poke other lanes or scout enemy jungles without moving from your lane.


Ever since the durability update, mid lane assassins haven’t been too powerful. To relieve some pressure, Riot buffed all Lethality Mythics and added them some movement speed. As a result, Eclipse right now is one of the best items in the game and it is an item that Zed really likes.

Combined with the Lethality buffs, Zed also benefitted from Riot’s general buffs to the energy champions. Although he didn’t get too big of a buff, it was enough to push him to a very good spot.

One of the biggest advantages of Zed over other melee assassins in the mid lane is that with his spammable Razor Shuriken (Q), he is very safe sitting back farming and not getting poked. You can always pick Zed, farm for 1100 gold Serrated Dirk power spike and just all-in for a kill. And with the newly added movement speed from your items, roaming around the map is much easier.


Heimerdinger was already in a great place before 12.10, just that players did not know what he did. But after he got some buffs to his turrets’ durability to offset the Durability Patch, Heimer became twice as hard to move from mid lane.

You’ve probably seen one of those clips. Heimer gets ganked, doesn’t run and just kills the enemy jungler or even gets two kills. Junglers in especially low elos love to gank Heimerdinger as his play style is to push his lane at all times, but not many realize it isn’t an easy task. With his easy-to-land stun and his powerful turrets, Heimer is great at getting kills in a 1v2.

He also is one of the better scaling champions with AP. After two or three items, you can start to move into the enemy jungle and just camp in a brush for a surprise one-shot kill. The only problem is, that Heimer has a different kit than most other mid laners, so you might need to put some effort into learning him.

Honorable mentions

  • Vladimir
  • Cassiopeia
  • Talon
  • Vex
  • Anivia

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