A league of legends champion Udyr training his disciples in this broght splash art 12.18

League of Legends Patch 12.18 Preview Reveals Massive Udyr Adjustments




The upcoming League of Legends Patch 12.18 preview reveals significant changes to Udyr’s kit, along with Kalista, Hecarim and Lulu nerfs.

The World’s patch ensures a consistent meta for pro-play and brings nerfs for several meta ADC champions, and introduces adjustments for Maokai. Riot developer Matt Leung-Harrison AKA Phroxzon gave fans a sneak peek at the upcoming changes in League’s Patch 12.18 through a short preview. The League dev also stated that they are “relatively confident that the game will be in a good spot post the (Patch 12.18) changes.”

League of Legends Patch 12.18 Preview Champion Buffs

Right ahead of the annual League event, Riot’s developer team has made some buffs to Lee Sin’s HP Growth and W, in a strong attempt to push players to use the Jungler more in pro matches. With a Nasus buff, Riot are also looking to fix the champ’s decreasing popularity in both professional and casual play.

Q Attack Speed: 20-40% increased to 25-55%

HP Growth: 115 changed to 120
E Damage :: 65-185 changed to 75-215

Lee Sin
HP Growth : 99 increased to 105
W Vamp :: 5-23% increased to 5-27%

W Attack Speed Slow: 50% of MS Slow changed to 75% of MS Slow
R CD: 120 decreased to 110-90

League of Legends Patch 12.18 Preview Champion Nerfs

Miss Fortune ends up on Riot’s nerf list again, after the blanked of buffs in Patch 12.17 caused the champion to dominate strongly across the meta, which also resulted in an urgent hotfix. Kalista and Hecarim receive nerfs as the dev team targets the ADC meta ahead of competitive matches.

Miss Fortune
AD Growth: 2.7 changed to 2.4
HP Growth: 107 decreased to 103

Base HP: 604 reduced to 564

Q Bonus AD Ratio: 95% reduced to 90%
Q Ramp Damage: +6% per 100 bonus AD changed to +5% per 100 bonus AD
W Healing: 30% (+2.5% per 100 bonus AD) nerfed to 25% (+2% per 100 bonus AD)

Rhaast (Kayn)
HP % Ratio Per 100 bonus AD: 5% decreased to 3.5%

(W) MS 30% decreased to 25%
W Poly Duration : 1.25-2.25s changed to 1.2-2.0
CD: 17-13 increased to 17-15

AD Growth: 31 changed to 26

League of Legends Patch 12.18 Preview Champion Adjustments 


P Healing: 4.8-14% changed to 4.5-12%
Q Monster Bonus Damage: 40-120 increased to 80-160
E AP Ratio : 42.5% decreased to 40%
E Emp AP Ratio: 85% adjusted to 80%

Not long after Udyr’s rework in Patch 12.16, Riot are looking to adjust the champ’s kit even further to increase his effectiveness on bruiser builds. However, fans should note that Udyr will remain disabled for the entirety of Worlds 2022, meaning no player can pick the tanky jungle champion. Also, the recent adjustments aim to decrease the champion’s potential as a tank.


Base Stats
Health per level: 106 decreased to 98
Armor per level: 5.2 reduced to 4.7

[Q] Wilding Claw
Mana Cost: 45~28 decrease to 20

NEW: First two hits gain 50 attack range (matches awakened functionality)
NEW: Awakened version deals an additional 2~5% (+0.03% bonus AD) max health physical damage on first two attacks

AP ratio on each lightning strike: 0.006% slightly increased to 0.008%

[W] Iron Mantle
%HP heal: 1.2/1.26/1.32/1.38/1.44/1.5% changed to 1.2%
%HP shield: 2/2.4/2.8/3.2/3.6/4.0% >> 2/2.3/2.6/2.8/3.2/3.5%
Life Steal: 15% changed to 15/16/17/18/19/20%

[R] Wingborne Storm
Magic damage: 20/38/56/74/92/110 +0.4AP changed to 20/36/52/68/84/100 +035AP
Damage to minions: 50/60/70/80% at levels 1/6/11/16 changed to 40/55/70/85%

When does League of Legends Patch 12.18 Arrive on Live Servers?

The Worlds 2022 Patch is scheduled to hit live servers on Tuesday, September 20, at 3 AM PT. Players should also note that League servers will be down for three hours before the official patch release. Fans can, however, test these changes right now on PBE servers until the official release. The complete set of buffs, nerfs and adjustments may change in the final patch notes.

