LCS 2023 Spring Team Previews: Dignitas

LCS 2023 Spring Team Previews: Dignitas


A completely new look for Dignitas with the new season.

For the last couple of years, Dignitas have been trying to invest in young talent and build a native team. It wasn’t that long ago when they made a great mid-regular season run and were celebrated as the NA team in LCS. But none of these teams found enough success, and with no results to show at hand, fans started calling for them to be replaced by another organization. Many said they didn’t have any ambitions, and they do nothing but take space in the league. Well, Dignitas took some great steps this off-season to prove everyone wrong.

No more young players for Dignitas in 2023, except the bot laner Trevor “Spawn” Kerr-Taylor. They went with the tried and true LCS method of signing previously successful veterans and hoping they can reach a similar level to their peaks. But no need to be all negative about Dig this year, as they made some great signings.

  • Top laner: İrfan Berk “Armut” Tükek
  • Jungler: Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen
  • Mid laner: Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen
  • Bot laner: Trevor “Spawn” Kerr-Taylor
  • Support: Lee “IgNar” Dong-geun

As mentioned, the only returning player from last year’s roster is the young ADC Spawn, who replaced the underperforming Toàn “Neo” Trần towards the end of the Summer. Spawn didn’t necessarily impress the audience, but he showed that he could be a serviceable player. He tends to play more hyper carries and probably will need some hand-holding during lane, but luckily Santorin is a great jungler when it comes to getting his lanes ahead. Spawn will also have a new support with IgNar coming into the team.

The Korean support struggled a little bit in his Immortals tenure, but I think that was to be expected in the context of meta. IgNar is known for his engage support play and for champions like Leona and Rakan, so he couldn’t have too much impact during an enchanter meta. He also will benefit a lot from playing with Santorin as he loves to roam around the map with his jungler and impact other lanes. And this duo has some good solo lanes to impact.

When a team of Dignitas’ caliber wants winning solo lanes, they probably cannot do better than Armut and Jensen. The former has drawn a lot of criticism in 2022 due to his limited champ pool and his overall performance. But these issues seemed pretty overblown towards the time he left MAD, and it looked like people forgot the games he carried on champs like Gwen and Aatrox. Sure, Armut may not become the best top laner in NA, but I don’t think he will be that much worse than the competition.

The same can be said about Jensen too. The veteran mid laner had his fair share of struggles or the games he was on Zilean duty, but we saw him step up in critical moments during Cloud9’s championship run. He is a good point of stability, with Santorin, in a rather inconsistent roster, and his form throughout the split will be the biggest deciding factor for Dignitas’ competitiveness.

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