Everquest 2 concept art with pizza photoshopped into it

‘Just the right kind of weird:’ How the secret weapon of a /pizza command let EverQuest 2 slice into WoW and accidentally end up topping Pizza Hut on Google

The year is 2005, and Jay Leno has just made a crack about the fast food habits of EverQuest players in the opening monologue of The Tonight Show.

Chris Kramer

“Everybody was like, ‘This is weird’. But it was just the right kind of weird.” (Image credit: Chris Kramer)

“It was very much like, ‘Hey, these nerds living in their basement, what are they going to do next? Are they just gonna put IVs in their arms so that they don’t even have to get up?’ It was the typical stupid Jay Leno joke for grandparents,” Chris Kramer says. “But we didn’t care. We got EverQuest 2 mentioned on The Tonight Show.”
