JDG vs BLG Preview: MSI 2023 Bracket Stage

JDG vs BLG Preview: MSI 2023 Bracket Stage


Can BLG take down the LPL titans in their third attempt?

Bilibili Gaming faced the LPL champions three times during the Spring Split on their way to the MSI. They lost the first game on the LPL Opening Day 2-1, came so close to a victory during the LPL Playoffs Round 4, but threw their massive lead in Game 5, and eventually lost the Finals in four games. Now they have another chance to prove themselves and knock JDG down to the Losers’ Bracket.

For the readers who aren’t all that familiar with the teams, you can read our individual team previews on JDG and BLG.

JDG vs BLG Preview


The expectations were high for JDG coming into the MSI 2023. Back-to-back LPL champions met these expectations in their first series against the Golden Guardians, putting on a teamfighting masterclass in the three-game series.

Despite falling behind at the early stage of the games, JDG was always one step ahead of the LCS second seed when it comes to their macro game and objective control. They answered every GG move with their own and managed to end up gold positive each time. JDG also showed their amazing teamfighting once again as they kept outplaying their opponents even when they were behind in gold and game state.

While every JDG member had a good series, the show’s stars were Ruler and Kanavi. In the latter two games, Ruler’s lane opponent found multiple early kills but he still was able to keep pressure in the lane and get consistent advantages. Kanavi also flexed his carry muscles with an amazing Wukong game where he led the JDG comeback and had the best Kha’Zix game of the event so far.


People were starting to raise some questions about BLG ahead of the Cloud9 series, but Bilibili shut everyone down very quickly. Like the other NA vs LPL series, the difference in macro and teamfighting was full-on display.

Another good news after the C9 series is the state of BLG’s top lane. Many people were disappointed in Bin’s performance so far at MSI, but he put on a show versus C9 on some of his most comfortable champions like Gnar and Gwen. And it was a really needed performance from Bin as BLG relied on him carrying a lot during the playoffs.

JDG vs BLG Predictions

After seeing BLG lose to JDG three times already this season, it’s hard to expect them to win this one suddenly. Even though they got close before, JDG seemed fully locked in in their first series. If Bin can show up in peak form maybe BLG can get an upset, otherwise, it should be a 3-2 JDG victory.

How to watch JDG vs BLG

Fans can watch the event on the official LoL Esports website for the chance to earn exclusive drops from Riot, which will be available throughout the whole event. Or you can catch the action on Riot Games Twitch channel and the LoL Esports Youtube channel.

For more of our coverage during MSI 2023, follow us on ESTNN.

