After playing League of Legends for years, some players decide it is time to change their in-game name to something cool and unique. Have you been thinking the same? Well, for that you need to change your Riot ID.
In this article, we will explain how you can change your Riot ID easily in LoL. Keep reading this article till the end to find out.
How to Change Your Riot ID in League of Legends?

First, let us clarify the difference between your Username and Riot ID. Username and Password are used to log in to your League of Legends account, while the Riot ID is displayed as your in-game name which is necessary to connect with your friends in the game.
Now let’s check out the most straightforward way to change your Riot ID:
- Open up the LoL client and log into it.
- Go to the LoL shop and press the Account button on the top right.
- There you will find the “Change Riot ID” option.
- Once you click on that you will be redirected to the Riot Account Management section.
- Log into it and you will find the Riot ID section on the top.
- Change your Riot ID and tagline if you want.
- Now enjoy LoL with your new and unique in-game name.
If you are still facing any issue, let us know in the comment section below.