How the Gamers Assembly 2022 used Toornament for its latest edition – Toornament Blog

How the Gamers Assembly 2022 used Toornament for its latest edition – Toornament Blog


From the 16th to the 18th of April was held in Poitiers the Gamers Assembly, which is the oldest and largest LAN Party in France. After 2 years of break due to the COVID, the Gamers Assembly returned and gathered during 3 days 1,600 players and around 20,000 visitors. accompanied the event, with a Starter Plan used to manage 11 of the Gamers Assembly competitions, and share their results.

11 tournaments and as many different formats

As the French largest LAN Party, the Gamers Assembly is gathering many communities of players on different games.  They have to build tournament formats according to many different constraints such as the game itself, the number of participants, the duration of a match or the player preferences. was able to answer all of their competition format needs. Thus, from swiss rounds to single and double eliminations, round robin groups, duel or FFA matches, all kind of stages and match formats were used on during the Gamers Assembly.

A good example is the League of Legends Mastercard Nexus Tour. This competition gathered 72 French teams. The competition started by a swiss round stage of 7 rounds. At the end of this stage, the top 8 teams were qualified for a single elimination bracket. All other teams were dispatched in 2 different double elimination brackets according to their ranking in the swiss round stage.

The League of Legends Swiss round stage ranking

You can have a look at all the competitions organized on during the Gamers Assembly at

Widgets & Toornament TV

The Gamers Assembly used the widgets feature from the Starter Plan to provide its competitions results directly on its own website. The widgets allow you to display your tournament information on your own website without development needed.

The widget is also very useful to share your tournament information on a third party website, such as a media partner or a sponsor.

The Rainbow Six Siege page from the Gamers Assembly website with an integrated widget including the latest tournament results

In your tournament dashboard, you can select the best widget for your needs from a variety of widgets which showcase different states or information of your competition: the registration, the results of a particular stage or the schedule of your matches. You can also configure parameters like the size, language or other more specific information.

The stage widget page of the League of Legends tournament dashboard

Onsite, the Gamers Assembly used the Toornament TV tool to display the competitions results on-screen for the live audience.

The Toornament TV displaying the League of Legends results onsite

Partners and sponsors highlighted on public pages

One of the new features of the Starter Plan is the possibility to add and display sponsors and partners logos on the public pages of a tournament. Thus, the Gamers Assembly took the opportunity to add four of its main sponsors and partners, and to give them extra-visibility.

4 sponsors and partners are displayed on the public tournament page

For its return and 2022 edition, the Gamers Assembly used and exploited wonderfully the Toornament software flexibility and the Starter Plan advanced features. It helped to manage in one place a majority of its competitions and from there to share easily their informations thanks to the widgets.

You can learn more about the Starter Plan used in this case by visiting or contact us by email.
