Evil Geniuses Coaching Staff Update » EsportsBets.com

Evil Geniuses Coaching Staff Update » EsportsBets.com


Evil Geniuses is updating their League of Legends coaching staff for the 2022 season, making tweaks to the previous structure.

Head coach Peter Dun, who has been with EG since November 2020, will be promoted to head of EG’s League of Legends coaching staff. As a consequence, Gabriel “Turtle” Peixoto, who first joined the team as one of the coaches in December 2020, will be taking his place as the Head Coach for the organization.

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Image Credits | Riot Games

Evil Geniuses’ Coaching Staff Update for 2022 

Evil Geniuses made the decision to promote former Head Coach Peter Dun to the position of Head of League of Legends Coaching Staff across all levels of competitive League of Legends. Joining the organization in the 2020 offseason, his game knowledge as well as the incredible year of growth and development in 2021, EG impressed the organization, putting him in charge of the whole coaching staff.

“We have been nothing but impressed with Peter since his addition to our staff last season. With this new and exciting expansion of our coaching staff, we’re thrilled to be moving Peter into a position to have stronger oversight into Academy and Amateur. His primary focus and duties will remain at the LCS level, but we’re also ensuring that other members of our coaching staff have the opportunity and room to grow and develop under the guidance of Peter’s leadership.” – is what Evil Geniuses General Manager, Andrew Barton, said in the org’s official statement.

Turtle will become EG’s Head Coach

With Peter Dun becoming the Head of Coaching Staff, Turtle will be taking his place in the head coach position in the North American League Championship Series. This marks an impressive record, as he becomes the first-ever Brazilian to take the reins as a head coach. Previously on Vivo Keyd in Brazil’s CBLOL before joining EG, Turtle impressed the team with his contributions as Assistant Coach.

