2023 LCS Spring Split Week 4 Day 1: EG Defeat 100T With the Classic Nexus for Baron Trade

EG Defeat 100T With the Classic Nexus for Baron Trade


In the exciting first game of the LCS Superweek, we saw three former 100 Thieves players go against each other.

Ssumday, FBI and Closer were a part of the 100T team that made three straight LCS Finals and won the first trophy in the organization’s LoL Esports history. Today’s game was the first time these players got to play against each other after the former two left the team during the off-season, with the only remaining player from the championship team being the jungler Closer.

The first day of the Superweek was also crucial for teams at the bottom of the league. Dignitas were still looking for their first victory in the 2023 LCS Spring Split. Thankfully they finally got to play with their intended support, IgNar, who couldn’t play the first three weeks due to visa issues. Another two teams looking for wins were Immortals and CLG. Both teams had only two weeks coming into Week 4, and both teams have very tough schedules to close out the first round robin.

EG vs 100T

100T were the team to draw the first blood with a sneaky bot lane gank from Closer. But with Doublelift blowing his flash for the kill and Jojo getting a lot of mid pressure from a kill on Bjergsen, EG were able to answer with their own bot lane plays. They targeted the 100T duo multiple times, getting their own bot lane and mid laner far ahead. Combined with two bad Herald contests from 100T, they were able to take the control of the game.

EG were still pretty conservative about pushing their lead. While waiting for powerspikes meant they were able to take two Barons, but it also gave 100T the opportunity to delay the Soul, farm and get their own items, especially on Doublelift’s Jinx. As we reached the 45th minute and the third Baron spawned, the 7.5k gold lead meant nothing as 100T carries reached full build. So the Thieves decided to try for a Baron of their own, but EG punished them massively as they rushed into the enemy base and took their Nexus.

  • Teams: EG 1 – 0 100T
  • Time: 45:01
  • Kills: 13 – 6
  • Turrets: 10 – 3
  • Gold: 80.7k – 73.6k
  • Dragons: 3 – 3
  • Barons: 2 – 1


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