Here is our jungle tier list for patch 13.11 and the best champions for your ranked climb in Season 2023.
As League of Legends evolves with each patch, so does the strategic importance of the jungle role and the delicate balance of power in the jungle is constantly shifting. That’s why we’re here to provide you with an up-to-date guide on the jungle tier list for patch 13.11, specifically tailored to players in the lower elos like Silver and Gold to help their climbs up the ranks.
While nearly every champion can be successful during a ranked climb, given that you master your champion, playing what’s strong in the meta gives a big edge against your opponents. Whether you’re an aspiring jungler or a veteran of the role, our champion recommendations and tier list will serve as a compass, guiding you toward the most reliable and impactful picks in the current patch.
Best junglers to climb with on LoL patch 13.11
- Healthy clear
- Good early ganks
- Easy setup around objectives
- Vision control
- Can’t solo carry
- Not as tanky as he is in top lane
- Doesn’t have much 1v1 kill potential
Maokai runes and items

This is the most optimal rune setup for Maokai at the moment. Phase Rush is great when you need to kite your opponents to wait for cooldowns after you combo, or when you need to chase people down. For your secondary runes, you can switch out the Domination tree in favor of Resolve for access to Conditioning and Overgrowth for tankier builds.
Item path for this rune setup is generally Demonic Embrace first into Radiant Virtue, followed by other tank items depending on your needs.
Alternatively, you can go for Aftershock if your team has enough damage or you are the primary engage. With this setup, Evenshroud is a great first item. He also makes great use of cheaper support items like Knight’s Vow.
Jarvan IV
- Good ganks
- Strong early skirmisher
- Heavy crowd control against immobile carries
- Gets outscaled without an early lead
- Squishy in the late game
- Doesn’t have the most damage threat late game
Jarvan IV runes and items

Jarvan’s runes and item path are pretty set in stone at this point. The only variation can be the choice of Mythic, you can go first item Eclipse if you find yourself ahead. But after that, Black Cleaver and bruiser items are the way to go. During late game, the best item for Jarvan is Guardian Angel. Since he falls off rather hard, it helps to go in and not instantly die.
- Permanent stealth after level six
- Massive single-target burst
- Great at cleaning up fights
- Snowballs really fast with couple of early kills
- Not a lot of early game presence
- Easy to burst if mispositions
Evelynn runes and items

First Strike is a great scaling rune for most assassins/burst champions, but you can always go for an Electrocute page for more skirmish power during early game. The Domination tree also gives access to Treasure or Ultimate Hunter, both of which are great runes for Evelynn.
For items, Evelynn really likes pure Ability Power. So going for a Rabadon second after your Mythic or a Mejai’s Soulstealer if you are confident in your ability to stack it are great options. Try to not go for defensive options like Zhonya’s or Banshee’s if you can help it.
- Great ganks
- Massive crowd control
- Doesn’t mind AP mid lane since his passive shreds Magic Resist
- Not great at 1v1s
- Can’t solo carry games, mostly setup
Amumu runes and items

Amumu is pretty flexible when it comes to runes and items. The highest win rate rune set is the classic Conquerer one to give him more damage in teamfights, but Aftershock is always a decent option when your team lacks a frontline. Resolve tree is also good for Amumu as he can utilize most of the secondary options.
One of Demonic Embrace and Sunfire Cape should be your rush item instead of Mythic to help with your clear. Then you can either go for Jak’Sho to be more of a tank, or Evenshroud to help amp up your teammates’ damage.
- Great single-target burst
- Good objective secure with isolation Q and Smite
- Decent ganks after level six with Ultimate
- Good at 1v1s if isolated
- His damage isn’t the best when the enemy is balled up
- Needs to find flanks during teamfights
- Easy to kill without Ultimate
Kha’Zix runes and items

Just like Evelynn, Kha’Zix really enjoys the extra gold from First Stike and he can easily proc it from a safe distance with his W poke. The other option would be a Dark Harvest page with Treasure Hunter to snowball, and Absolute Focus/Gathering Storm for late game scaling.
When it comes to items, Kha’Zix started to shift more toward Duskblade after the Ghostblade nefs in this patch, but the latter is still a good option. After your Mythic, you can build which Lethality item seems best, but the best options are Edge of Night and Prowler’s Claw. Another rush option can be the Umbral Glaive for maximizing your vision control, but this is more of a pro play build path since you will lack damage.
Patch 13.11 jungle tier list
These five champions aren’t your only options, of course. There are a lot more strong champions in the meta, and most picks can work regardless of the meta if you get proficient enough. Our overall tier list for the jungle in patch 13.11 is below.

- S: Best junglers in the meta right now
- A: Champions you can still blind and not get punished by counter matchups as much
- B: Strong champions under the right conditions
- C: Viable champions but need some degree of mastery
- F: Not recommended in the current patch
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