Rumbleverse is the fresh take on battle royale I needed

Rumbleverse is the fresh take on battle royale I needed


Every time I load into a battle royale (opens in new tab) I feel a little bit anxious. There’s the uncertainty of the early game, and then later the feeling of being surrounded as the walls close in—I always end up just a little stressed out. Not so with Rumbleverse (opens in new tab), the new battle royale brawler on the Epic Games Store. I launch into every match eager to duke it out with a bunch of wildly dressed knuckleheads. When a match starts well I land on top of a skyscraper, immediately break open a crate to grab a special move, and chokeslam KO someone from 100 stories up.

Now, I know: Another battle royale? Hear me out though—Rumbleverse takes the best elements of playing wrestling games with your friends and drops them from the top rope straight into a match of Fortnite.
