Caesar prepares to judge someone with his thumb

I’ve never sided with Caesar in Fallout: New Vegas but I’m guiltily playing his deck in Magic: The Gathering

I thought I’d want the deck with Dogmeat as the Commander, because obviously I love Dogmeat. I even went to all the trouble of boosting my Luck score and wandering back and forth across the desert to find the Café of Broken Dreams so I could recruit him in Fallout 2. (If you attack Dogmeat there he’s defended by his true owner: Mel Gibson. Fallout 2 is a silly place.)

But here’s the thing. The version of Dogmeat on the Magic: The Gathering x Fallout cards is explicitly the Fallout 4 version of Dogmeat, complete with goggles and bandana, and I’m no fan of Fallout 4. Sure, Nick Valentine was my best bud, but my top two Fallouts are the original and New Vegas, and Fallout 4 is wahaaay down the list.