fortnite guff skin

How to get the Guff Skin? » TalkEsport


Every year Fortnite celebrates Halloween by introducing unique quests and skins into the game. This year is not an exception. The developers have introduced a lot of in-game cosmetic items this year. One of the most popular items is the Guff skin in Fortnite.

It is basically a Halloween costume that looks kind of fleecy. Several players are eager to get the skin and we are here to explain to you how you can get the Guff skin in Fortnite.

How to get the Guff Skin?

To purchase the Guff skin you need to wait for its return to the Item Shop. Once it arrives, you can buy the costume for 1,200 V-Bucks. However, it is unclear when it will be available in the shop. It may become available when the Fortnitemares event is over.

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The Guff skin is undoubtedly one of the most popular Halloween-themed cosmetic items. The skin was last available two months ago.

When do you think the Guff skin will come out? Let us know in the comment section below.

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