How to Get Optimus Prime in Fortnite

How to Get Optimus Prime in Fortnite for Free in Chapter 4!


Want to know how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite? This is how you can get the Fortnite Optimus Prime skin and when they’re going to unlock!

Fortnite’s newest season is nearly here, and major Fortnite leaks have been rolling out really fast. Epic Games has started unleashing teasers for the new season, and thanks to a few little messages we now know how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite!

The Fortnite Optimus Prime skin is going to be the main part of the Fortnite X Transformers crossover. This looks set to be a key part of the Fortnite Wilds season, and the Chapter 4 Season 3 Battle Pass. How exactly he works in-game might sound confusing. How does his size fit? Does he get a special button to transform into a truck? It looks like Epic’s figured out a way to make the larger character work in Fortnite Chapter 4 though.

This is how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite, and possibly kind of for free thanks to the Chapter 4 Season 3 Battle Pass.

How to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite

If you’re wondering how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite, we have a lot more information now. He’s going to be included in a similar way to some other recent crossover characters like AoT characters, Darth Vader, and Spider-Gwen. He’s coming to the game as a Battle Pass skin.

Thankfully, how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite doesn’t even require you to do the bonus skin quests like getting the Witcher in Fortnite. Instead, the skin is going to be a part of the standard Battle Pass! As one of the cooler additions for the season though, Fortnite Optimus Prime isn’t just going to be available on Page 2 or 3, slotted between a new emblem and a contrail. No, he’s got pride of place as the Tier 100 Fortnite skin.

That means you’ll need to get up to the very final level of Chapter 4 Season 3 Battle Pass to get the Fortnite Optimus Prime skin. There isn’t a specific strategy to do this, beyond just, do the quests. Obviously doing your quests in the most optimized way will get it done quicker. Do your dailies, do the weekly quests, do whatever quests Epic comes up with future crossovers in the season too. It’s worth not neglecting those side quests, a lot of level-ups came with the Fortnite X Star Wars event.

That’s how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite, get up to Level 100 once you have the Battle Pass.

How to Get Optimus Prime in Fortnite for Free (With the Battle Pass)

How to Get Optimus Prime in Fortnite

Optimus Prime in Fortnite is going to be accessible for a lot of the player base, although, maybe not entirely for free, at least unless you’re already a paying player. He’s essentially V-Buck neutral, meaning you’ll get the currency back. However, you will have to pay at first.

Fortnite Optimus Prime is included in the Battle Pass. A lot of Fortnite players do the pass, and each season you get enough in-game currency to purchase the next one and some spare. This means for most, how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite is essentially going to be free, as they can earn enough V-Bucks from the Battle Pass by getting to Level 100 that it paid for itself. You’ll have to buy the pass with some V-Bucks, but once you unlock Optimus it will have already paid for itself.

Your original V-Buck purchase for your very first Battle Pass, whenever in the time since Fortnite released that may be, might not have been free. Unless you hoarded your free-tier Bucks for enough seasons to finally grab the pass. However, getting to Optimums Prime will even out your V-Buck purchase in-game.

Who is Optimus Prime?

How to Get Optimus Prime in Fortnite

Optimus Prime is the Tier 100 Battle Pass skin, but who is he? That’s probably obvious to the majority of Fortnite players under 60 (which is most of them, at least according to the demographics behind how many people play Fortnite). He’s the leader of the Autobots, or the Good Guys in the Transformers series.

The series of toys, cartoons, and eventually some notorious Michael Bay movies, are all about the Transformers. Optimus Prime is the leader of the Transformers and pretty much the central character. If we are getting a full crossover, making how to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite so easy is a pretty big drop for the Battle Pass.

Optimus Prime in-game likely won’t be able to transform into a truck. (Maybe we’ll get an emote of that) By the looks of it, he’s also scaled down. Characters in Fortnite have to fit the standard model size, even if they’re supposed to be enormous.

Will More Fortnite X Transformers Skins Come?

How to Get Optimus Prime in Fortnite

How to get Optimus Prime in Fortnite might be easy, but what about his friends and mortal enemies? There are likely plenty of fans who can’t wait to play as Megatron or Bumblebee. If Epic figured out how to make the transforming robots fit into Fortnite’s world, is it possible we’ll be getting more?

As the last tier of a Battle Pass, it’s no guarantee we’ll get more Transformers skins, but it does look likely. Usually, these promotional crossovers come with a few extra skins in the item shop. They’ve tempted you in with a cheap Optimus Prime, in the hopes you’ll splash some real V-bucks over in the item shop. We could see a couple more characters from Transformers crop up over the course of Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3. For the Battle Pass though, Fortnite Optimus Prime is the only inclusion.
