Crash Pad Jr fortnite

How to get Crash Pad Jr in Fortnite? » TalkEsport

Crash Pad Jr fortnite

In the age of shifting meta, Crash Pad Jr is one item that pro players are keeping handy as an effective measure to avoid fall damage but given how it’s not easy to come by, here is a comprehensive guide for what it does and how you can use it to uplift your game.

The Crash pad offers a tactical advantage when dropping off from a height that can potentially cause a lot of fall damage and HP is critical to be withheld when engaging in a fight. The Crash Pad Jr offers a lot of versatility and flexibility that can come in handy in a plethora of situations which is why knowing how to use it can give you a stark upper hand in fights.

How to find Crash Pad?

A crash pad jr can be found in various places, including Floor Loot, Loot Chests, and Vaults in Fortnite. You can easily activate it by simply picking it up and tossing it with the Fire button either in front of or below you. But be aware, you can only carry up to five at a time. Once deployed, the Crash Pad Jr. offers a gravity-defying experience, allowing you to jump onto it and soar to safety from great heights.

This makes it a valuable tool for players engaged in intense build battles or facing a dangerous fall. With the Crash Pad Jr. in your arsenal, you can seamlessly dodge potential damage and get right back into the action.

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