Geoff Keighley And The Game Awards Are Now In Fortnite

Geoff Keighley And The Game Awards Are Now In Fortnite

The insanely popular battle royale game Fortnite will be celebrating this year’s Game Awards, with players able to vote for “The Best Creator Made Fortnite Island of the Year” in-game.

This new update by Nighttimes and Studio 568 is a hub world that links players to ten creator-made islands, which players can explore and then vote for. Players will also be able to collect Game Awards statues for an in-game XP boost. Here’s what the creator and host Geoff Keighley had to say about this update:

“Ever since I hosted Live From Risky Reels in Fortnite in 2019, I’ve been thinking about ways The Game Awards could bring our celebration inside the games we play every day. Our Fortnite island is the first experiment in this direction, and I’m particularly excited to help shine the spotlight on the amazing user-generated community around the world.”

To access “The Game Awards Vote in Fortnite” the island code you’ll need is 0853-1358-8532. Keep in mind, fan voting on the island is limited to one vote per Epic ID and voting is active until 6th December, with the winner to be revealed on 7th December.

In related news, Epic recently revived the OG version of Fortnite in a new seasonal update.