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Game developers have even less faith in the metaverse than they did a year ago


“Metaverse” was such a potent pandemic buzzword that Facebook went so far as to change its name to “Meta” in 2021. And then, last year, Meta laid off over 11,000 employees. That may be one reason for a decline in games industry confidence that all this metaverse talk is going to amount to anything. In a yearly survey of videogame professionals published by the Game Developers Conference (opens in new tab)—a big industry event coming up in March—answers to questions about the metaverse and blockchain showed a small but notable increase in skepticism over last year. 

Like last year, survey participants picked Fortnite as the most likely candidate to deliver on the promise of the metaverse, followed by Meta, Minecraft, and Roblox. But 45% didn’t predict any metaverse winner, and instead said that “the metaverse concept will never deliver on its promise.” 33% of respondents said the same thing when asked the question last year. Metaverse doubt is on the rise.

