Fortnite's end-of-season Collision event teases Darth Vader cameo

Fortnite’s end-of-season Collision event teases Darth Vader cameo


Fortnite’s Collision event (opens in new tab) for the end of Chapter 3 Season 2 saw players taking part in a concerted assault on the “Collider,” the massive tower housing the “Zero Point.” I gotta say, I’m not exactly up on my Fortnite lore, but the interactive, cinematic event was pretty impressive, even to my jaded, non-Gen Z sensibilities.

Players loaded into the cockpit of a massive, Pacific Rim-style mecha and launched into space, landing back on the island to do battle with the forces of Doctor Slone. In-between cutscenes, it featured neat little on-rails shooting segments, and the Twitch chat I was watching with seemed pretty impressed. It certainly beats the last one of these things I watched live, the destruction of the Almighty (opens in new tab) in Destiny in 2020. I’ve never recovered from Season of the Worthy. This portion also featured the destruction of the Fortress and at least some of the IO Airship landmarks on the Island, continuing Fortnite’s tradition of season-ending map changes.
