Fortnite has added the ability to submit voice recordings when reporting players for violations of the game’s community rules, which cover instances of abusive or inappropriate behaviour.
Epic Games’ voice reporting system works by recording the last five minutes of game chat audio on a rolling basis, saved to your local device (your PC or game console). Reports of inappropriate behaviour can now include that audio so Epic can hear evidence for itself and swiftly bring down the banhammer.
A detailed technical blog lays out how Epic has come up with a series of policies over when it stores any data you choose to upload, and when voice reporting will be enabled (you can switch it off, but only if you’re over 18 and playing in parties with friends with similar settings).
Back on the Fortnite OG Island, the game’s map has moved forwards to include a chunk of the snow biome added in the latter half of Fortnite Chapter 1. This means the return of Frosty Flights (but seemingly not Polar Peak!) and the hugely fun X-4 Stormwing planes.
Additions from the game’s original pirate season are also included, such as flint-knock pistols, buried treasure and the pirate cannon – useful for shooting yourself across the map.
Fortnite OG’s final update will arrive next week, on 23rd November, with items from the original Chapter’s concluding seasons, such as air strikes and junk rifts. We’re expecting to see the return of the game’s apocalyptic meteor too, as the game heads towards a fresh spin on its classic black hole event.