Fortnite Augments Guide

Fortnite Augments Guide – The Best Augments


Fortnite Chapter 4’s got some cool new features like the brand-new map and Battle Pass, but one of the most important is the Fortnite Augments. This is a brand-new system for the game. It’s basically perks, but with a few twists that make them unique.

The Fortnite Augments are one of the more contentious elements of the new season, with them not massively feeling balanced for competitive. There’s a big difference in quality between some Augments and others. It sometimes feels like you’ve been handed nothing but rubbish in games. Other Augments though are so OP that players are going to feel like they’re having half the experience if they don’t get at least one of the high-tier ones. The good ones can make getting through the chapter 4 Weekly quests a breeze.

We’re going to run through everything you need to know about Fortnite Augments. How they work, how to unlock the better augments, and which are the ones you want to go for in every game. That’s along with the upcoming Fortnite Augments, those that we’ve spotted in the files that are upcoming.

Fortnite Augments Guide

Fortnite Augments Guide

What Are Fortnite Augments?

Fortnite Augments are essentially like a perk, that you’d find in games like Warzone. These are a buff or extra abilities that you get granted. They’re part of your loadout, you have a separate screen that lists them on the right side of your inventory. They vary from giving you a weapon to giving you an extra ability or movement mechanic.

You can have up to four augments at once. At intervals throughout the first half of a match, you’ll get a countdown to when your augment unlocks. At this point, you’re presented with two options. You can pick one of these to choose your Augment. You can also reroll for another two random Augments. However, you can only reroll for free once in each game. After this, it’s going to take Gold. This might mean you have to be strategic with your choice. Even if you don’t have your ideal Fortnite Augments as an option, the next round could have two even worse augments.

You use them by using 7 on a keyboard or the right d-pad on a controller. It isn’t the best placement on a gamepad, but Fortnite has a pretty full spread of buttons right now.

The augments last through to the end of each game, or if you’re eliminated. You can get four across a game. Some of the Fortnite Augments are pretty effective. If you can land the best Augments, you’re getting a serious advantage in the rest of your game.

All Fortnite Augments List

That’s how the Fortnite Augments are working in-game. What can you actually get with these perks, though? There’s quite a wide list of options. These are all of the Fortnite augments that are available at the moment.

Combat Fortnite Augments

  • First Assault – The first bullet in each magazine for an AR gives bonus damage.
  • Pistol Amp – Pistol magazine size is buffed
  • Light Fingers – All weapons will reload faster.
  • Bow Specialist – Your bow draw and reload time is faster and you’ll generate arrows gradually.
  • Mechanical Archer – Get an Explosive and Shockwave bow.
  • Demolitions Munitions – When you destroy objects and builds, they may drop explosives. This doesn’t apply to enemy builds.
  • Rifle Recycle – Your weapons with medium ammo have a slight chance of not using your ammo and just firing for free.
  • Tactical Armory – Get a rare Tactical Assault Rifle and Combat Shotgun. This is the only way to get these guns right now.
  • Rushing Reload – When you sprint, your shotgun will slowly reload.

Game Changer Augments

Fortnite Augments Guide

  • Aerialist – Unlimited glider redeploys.
  • Chug Gunner – Get a Chug cannon

Mobility Fortnite Augments

  • More Parkour – When you mantle or hurdle, your energy is going to regenerate a little.
  • Supercharged – Vehicles don’t use fuel and they have increased health.
  • Bloodhound – When you hit an enemy with a marksman rifle, they’re marked briefly.
  • Bush Warrior – You can regenerate health and shield while inside bushes.
  • Party Time – You get balloons.
  • Tricked Out – When you get into a car, it generates wither Chonker wheels or a cow catcher.
  • Forecast – You get to see the next storm circle in each stage of the game.
  • Storm Mark – When the storm changes, you’ll get a scan of your surrounding area that marks enemies. Like an auto-detonating recon scanner in previous seasons.
  • Soaring Sprints – While sprinting you get low gravity higher jumps.

Healing Augments

  • Splash Medic – When you open containers, you’ll find a chug splash in most of them.
  • Jelly Angler – You get a fishing rod that only fishes up jellyfish.

How to Unlock New Fortnite Augments

Those are all of your augments. You’ll probably notice some and better than others. How do you unlock the brand-new Augments, though? They unlock gradually, and it’s basically just through playing. As you play more matches, you’ll see new augments pop up in your options. These are marked in yellow as a new Fortnite Augment. If you pick these, they’ll head into your normal rotation and you’ll have unlocked them. You get a screen after a game with the Fortnite Augments as unlocked, similar to when you unlock more Battle Stars at the end of the game.

Waiting to get the more fun Augments like infinite free balloons or glider redeploys can be frustrating. You’ll only unlock them by playing more games, though. So jump into some matches and get working through to those high-level Fortnite Augments.

The Best Fortnite Augments

Fortnite Augments Guide

The better Fortnite Augments definitely have an advantage over the others. The pick for which are perfect for you will depend on your play style to a point. However, there are a few picks for Augments that stand out. These are some of the best Fortnite augments, those at the very top of the tier list for the game’s current Chapter.

Light Fingers

Light Fingers is a nice pick for an Augment, giving you a vaguely faster reload time for each of your weapons. It isn’t a huge change. It does make for a nice bonus as one of a few picks though. You’ve got four slots, and this one is a better effect than quite a few of the others that you might have to pick between.


Unlimited glider redeploys comes in pretty handy. This one is kind of game changing. It might take a while to unlock randomly, but it’s nearly always a good pick to grab this after. It seriously helps with mobility which can have a huge impact on your performance. Combining it with other mobility perks like the Space Jumps can give you a much easier time moving around the map.

Chug Gunner

Chug Gunner is one of the Fortnite Augments that just hands you an item rather than giving you an everlasting perk. However, the Chug Cannon is a rare and very useful item. Since this gives unlimited meds, it’s one of the better picks for your loadout. If you’re playing a team version of Battle Royale, it’s indispensable. Even in Solos, it’s sometimes worth considering taking this despite it taking two slots in your loadout. Unlimited heals can really help you play aggressively.

The Chug Cannon is only otherwise available through Loot Llamas. This makes this Augment one of the only guaranteed to ways to get it, provided you get the option in the first place.


This one is more suited to specific play styles over others. You’re getting the effect of marking an enemy for a short duration after you hit them with the Marksman Rifle.  This is particularly useful if you’re running a certain combination of weapons for this season.

A combo of the DMR Rifle and an Assault Rifle can make good use of this. You can ping an enemy with your DMR before switching over to spray them and potentially get a clean long-range kill. If long-range isn’t for you, Bloodhound won’t be. Otherwise, it’s one of the best Fortnite augments.

Bush Warrior

Fortnite Augments Guide

This is a perk that turns any bush into a bunker where you regenerate health and shield. It’s actually one of the quickest ways of healing in the entire game, adding health back on at a massive speed. Players can use this for bush camping as the name implies. However, it’s still useful just as a healing augment.

You can use Bush warrior to give yourself spots on the map to heal up much closer than most spots where you’ll find meds. You might have to strafe a little if you’re in a fight and come under fire. However, it is one of the fastest and best ways to heal up at the moment.

Party Time

Balloons aren’t just for Fortnite’s birthday, they’re great for grabbing unique angles and mobility. This one of the Fortnite augments is the only way for you to get balloons in the game at the moment. This makes it a valuable pick.

It is kind of annoying that these occur by themselves rather than just being an item. Although, they pop up often enough that you have plenty of control.


Forecast gives you the next storm circle at all times. This is a useful bit of intel. As with some other perks, only one players needs to use this in a group. However, it can be invaluable. Forecast doesn’t take a whole lot of strategy but it has obvious benefits.

Storm Mark

Storm Mark is a fun Augment, but one with some higher limits on it. You’re getting a recon scan effect in your vicinity when the next storm circle begins. This lasts around as long as the scanner in previous seasons, marking enemies so you can keep track of them even behind cover.

Storm Mark is most useful in the late game. Having this set-up in the last few circles can give you complete intel on everyone who is remaining. It can make a real difference. Even in earlier rounds, you can get important information on any threats that might be getting close with storm mark. It’s one of the best Fortnite Augments.

Upcoming Fortnite Augments

There are a number of new Fortnite Augments that are in the files coming soon. However, they haven’t been activated yet! These are upcoming content that could be dropped with any update for Fortnite Chapter 4.

We’ll have to see when Epic decides to turn these Augments on. Some of these are some of the most interesting out of the Augments so far. These are the leaked Fortnite Augments:

  • Danger Hero – Regenerate health and shield while sprinting.
  • Dragon Armoury – Unknown, possibly related to Dragon’s Breath Shotgun.
  • Foodie – Unknown, might be to do with consumable food’s effects.
  • Green Thumb – Unknown.
  • Gun Game – Unknown, could be related to the mechanic in the Gun Game mode, where players receive a better weapon after getting a kill.
  • Harvester – Shield Mushrooms and Apples drop from bushes.
  • High Ground – Unknown.
  • Hunter Gather – You get extra HP and Shield when consuming food.
  • Icy Slide – When you slide on ice you get an icy feet effect. Particularly useful with so much ice on the map right now.
  • Knights Armory – Unknown
  • Midas Touch – You get 40 bars for each elimination.
  • Multitask – Unknown
  • Riftjector Seat – You get rifted out when your shield breaks.
  • Shadow Striker – This likely applies the shadow bomb effect in some way.
  • Shotgun Sniper – Unknown, it possibly does something with using shotguns at a longer range.
  • Shotgun Siphon – Another unknown. This may apply the siphon effect of granting shield or HP when you make a kill, but just with a shotgun.
  • Sniper Speciality – This is likely a boost to using snipers of some kind.
  • Unstable Foot – Unknown.
  • Zero Shield – When you lose your shield, you get the dash effect.
  • Peely’s Plunder – You get a treasure map! Maybe it has some kind of Peely brand to go with it.

What’s Next for Fortnite Augments?

Those are some of the upcoming Augments spotted in the files. Although, not all of these are guaranteed to make it into the game. Some others in the finals were the same as existing Augments, but with a different name. It’s possible not all of these make it in at any time. Although, some of these look to be fun additions to the roster of Fortnite Augments.

That’s what we need to know about the Fortnite Augments. As you can probably tell, some of these are considerably more effective than others. Most are going to give you a decent boost, though. If you go with the right Augments, you can get a real advantage in this chapter of Fortnite.
