Use an Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway and Command Cavern is one of the Seasonal Quests in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
To complete the challenge, you must first find an Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway and Command Cavern. This doesn’t need to be done in a single match, so don’t worry if one location ends up being outside the circle, or you die before using both Ascenders.
Completing this challenge will reward you with 20K XP, which will help unlock new Battle Pass skins.
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Where to find Ascender at Command Cavern in Fortnite
To find an Ascender at Command Cavern, either land on, or below, the IO ship located in the area.

Look out for the vertical ziplines found near the edges of the ship – —these are Ascenders. Press the prompt and use it when close enough to complete the first part of this weekly quest. It doesn’t matter which direction you go in, as both ways count as using the Ascender.
You can also choose to find the Ascender in Chonker’s Speedway first, and then visit Command Cavern. Or, you can finish a match and land at the second location, as you don’t need to use both Ascenders in a single match.

You can search the ship for loot before heading toward Chonker’s Speedway, but this won’t count toward the weekly challenge to search chests and ammo boxes at IO Outposts. These are separate buildings found at ground level.
Chapter 3 Season 2 has arrived! New additions include red and blue lines on the Fortnite map and Rebuilding quests, including finding and destroying a IO Build Jammer and recovering the missing Battle Bus Plans.
Meanwhile the Victory Crowns andcharacter collection have reset, while there is a new Victory Umbrella to find.
Where to find Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway in Fortnite
It’s a bit harder to find an Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway in Fortnite, as there are no IO ships in the area.

To find an Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway, head to the northwestern corner of the dirt race track, and look toward the nearby cliffside. Keep following the path until you spot the Ascender, near a slight incline in the road.
Use the Ascender at Chonker’s Speedway to complete the Week 3 challenge and gain 20K XP instantly.
If it’s still inside the circle, you might also want to travel to the nearby Synapse Station, where you can deal damage to opponents and gain another 20K XP. There are 3 Omnichips here that can be used to upgrade the new Omni Sword, and a Battle Bus you can drive to destroy road barriers and clear a Resistance challenge.
When you’ve completed all the week 3 challenges in Fortnite, you can also continue finishing the Character Collection!