Deploy Aquatic Communication Relays near Logjam Lumberyard is one of the Resistance Quests in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2.
To complete the challenge, you must first establish a Device Uplink near Logjam Lumberyard, and then find three of the four Aquatic Communication Relays nearby.
Completing each step of this challenge will reward you with 23K XP, which will help unlock new Battle Pass skins.
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How to establish a Device Uplink near Logjam Lumberyard in Fortnite
To complete this step, you must first go to Logjam Lumberyard. If you don’t have this area filled in on your map yet, head for the large body of water in the northwestern corner of the map to discover the landmark.

To establish a Device Uplink in Logjam Lumberyard, search the northeastern corner of the lake, found just below the Lumberyard buildings.

As with many of the other Chapter 3 Season 2 challenges, the device you are looking for is a metal circle on the ground with a blue holographic image displayed above it. Hold down the button that appears when you get close to establish the Device Uplink and get 23K XP.
Chapter 3 Season 2 has arrived! New additions include red and blue lines on the Fortnite map and Rebuilding quests, including finding and destroying a IO Build Jammer and recovering the missing Battle Bus Plans.
Meanwhile the Victory Crowns andcharacter collection have reset, while there is a new Victory Umbrella to find.
How to deploy Aquatic Communication Relays near Logjam Lumberyard
Once you have established a Device Uplink, it’s time to deploy Aquatic Communication Relays near Logjam Lumberyard!
As their name suggests, the Aquatic Communication Relays must be placed in water. Swim into the lake directly in front of you at Logjam Lumberyard to start your search.
Two Aquatic Communication Relays are located in the middle of the north side of the lake, close to where you established the Device Uplink. The other two can be found in the middle of the lake, before it splits off into two rivers.

Keep an eye on your mini-map while searching, as the Relays will appear as an exclamation mark inside a white diamond symbol to help you locate them easier.
For this challenge, you’re looking for faded white devices that resemble small satellite dishes. Press the required button once close to a Relay to continue with the quest.

Once three Relays have been deployed in the lake, you will be rewarded with 23K XP. You can then move on to the next Resistance Challenge which tasks you with establishing another Uplink Device and then transmitting data to a drone.