Fortnite adds dynamic weather, with tornadoes and lightning •

Fortnite adds dynamic weather, with tornadoes and lightning •


Fortnite’s battle royale mode has always been about escaping the storm. Now, it’s asking you to run towards one.

Dynamic weather has been added to the game today, as part of Fortnite’s 19.01 update. Tornadoes can now form across the map, picking up items, damaging structures, and – if you get sucked up – providing a handy airborne method of escape.

Dark clouds overhead can also now forecast lightning storms, which can strike objects and players. Being struck by lightning deals a small amount of damage and sets the surrounding area on fire, but also grants a speed boost.

If you’re looking to be deliberately struck, developer Epic Games has some tips. Look for the highest point of ground under the cloud, or head to any body of water beneath it. (Obviously, kids, you should not try this at home.)


Fortnite transitioned to Epic’s new Unreal Engine 5 for the launch of Chapter 3 in December, though the first few weeks with the game’s fresh map have been more concerned with getting to know its new environments (and celebrating Christmas). With today’s new weather effects, Epic has begun flexing its new engine’s muscles a little further.
