Google pushes back against a 1 million strong botnet

A new version of DRM software Denuvo is coming to squat on your games


Digital Rights Management software Denuvo is a recurring PC gaming villain, frequently blamed for launch issues and problems with performance. That may not always be fair, but recent games like Resident Evil Village seem to have suffered (opens in new tab) and, even if it does work as intended, it leaves players vulnerable to service lapses that render their games unplayable (opens in new tab).

Nevertheless Denuvo remains a popular piece of thirdparty software among developers who want to minimise piracy, and now the company has announced Denuvo SecureDLC (opens in new tab). This DRM software goes above-and-beyond the vanilla Denuvo by protecting games, and it seems to be particularly focused on F2P games, where the money is being made through microtransactions.
