Witcher-themed armor sets in Destiny 2

Toss a coin to Destiny 2, because Witcher-inspired armor and cosmetics are coming next week

If you’ve ever thought to yourself that Geralt of Rivia would make a really great guardian in Destiny 2, I have good news: Bungie and CD Projekt have teamed up to create all-new Witcher-inspired Destiny 2 cosmetics, including armor ornaments, a Ghost shell, a new ship, Sparrow, emote, and finisher.

The Geralt-inspired gear is set to go live on November 28, with the start of Season of the Wish. You can see the Titan, Hunter, and Warlock outfits in all their glory in the image below—click the X in the upper-right corner for a full-resolution look.

(Image credit: Bungie (Twitter))

So what do you think? The Witcher inspiration is particularly overt in the Titan armor, but I can’t say any of them really knock my socks off. I think it would’ve been fun to see a more direct lift from The Witcher 3: Cat armor for Hunters, say, and a full Bear armor set for Titans. Then again, I’m definitely more of a Witcher fan than a Destiny guy, so there’s no doubt some bias at play there.
