Bill, a grizzled soldier from Valve

Left 4 Dead’s first internal playtest was so disastrous, Gabe Newell asked its lead: ‘Why don’t I just play Counter-Strike instead?’ then ‘made me watch him play it’

Chet Faliszek, the lead on Left 4 Dead—who is now making his own retro sci-fi version called The Anacrusis—says that Gabe Newell had some pretty strong opinions on the game during its troubled development.

That’s according to an interview by GameDeveloper, which outlines the horde shooter’s rocky start. Faliszek recalls stumbling into his position as project lead almost by accident due to Valve’s funky organisational structure where people can drift towards projects they think are interesting. He says an engineer responded to Newell with a casual: “‘Well, you should just talk to Chet, Chet’s kind of the person.’ Like, no one ever told me I’m running [the game]!”