In case you're wondering how weird Valorant has gotten, the newest agent creates a pocket dimension where enemies are forced to 1v1 you to the death

In case you’re wondering how weird Valorant has gotten, the newest agent creates a pocket dimension where enemies are forced to 1v1 you to the death

Valorant, a competitive FPS that I’ve often criticized for being too conservative with character abilities, is cooking up something weird for its next agent. Iso, Valorant’s eleventh post-launch agent, is a Chinese mercenary who “reconfigures ambient energy into bulletproof protection.” Pretty useful skills for the aggressive pointman of the team, but pedestrian compared to his ultimate ability that is so strange it’s unlike anything I’ve seen in an FPS before.

Called Kill Contract, Iso can literally kidnap the nearest enemy and transport both of them to an “interdimensional arena” where the two duke it out until someone dies. It’s sorta like earning back a second life in Call of Duty: Warzone’s Gulag, except if your normal round of Valorant could be suddenly interrupted by some guy who wants you to 1v1 him on Rust.