Helldivers 2 Hunter jumping at player

How to find and kill Hunters in Helldivers 2

The new Personal Order sees you trying to kill Hunters in Helldivers 2, but as always, you might not have been paying attention to the names of the things that have killed you so far. I can almost guarantee you’ve been murdered by Hunters before, considering they’re one of the most troublesome, and possibly a little overtuned, enemies in the game. 

If you’re setting out on your Hunter-hunting expedition, you’ll want to equip one of the best weapons and whack on a suit of the best armour—the Democracy Protects passive in-particular is very good against Hunters since it’ll make their melee attacks a little less deadly. Either way, here’s how to find and kill the Helldivers 2 Hunter enemies so you can get your daily Medals.

How to kill Hunters
