Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Tentacula - the Dogweed and Deathcap store in Hogsmeade

Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Tentacula: Where to find this magical plant


Venomous Tentacula are a type of magical plant in Hogwarts Legacy. They’re handy during combat, and you’re likely to use them for mixing potions too. Once you make your way quite far through the main story quests, you’ll need to find and use one for one of Professor Garlick’s herbology assignments.

There are a couple of ways to get your hands on Venomous Tentacula: much like Fluxweed Stem (opens in new tab), you can either buy them or grow them from seeds in the Room of Requirement (opens in new tab). If you’re ready to learn more about this magical plant, here’s where to get Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Tentacula, including how to grow your own.

Hogwarts Legacy Venomous Tentacula: Where to buy this plant 

