Character holding their palm up showing a bright light

Dragon’s Dogma 2 director Hideaki Itsuno has revealed his Arisen’s class but suggests that newbies should probably pick something simpler

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is finally out, and if you’re a newcomer like me to this RPG sequel and are wondering what the best vocation (otherwise known as classes) for your Arisen is, don’t worry—the game’s director, Hideaki Itsuno, has you covered. 

In an interview with GamesRadar, Itsuno revealed that, in his humble opinion, there are two vocations that are best suited for those who don’t have a lot of experience in Dragon’s Dogma games or RPGs in general: 

Character shooting an arrow at a monster

(Image credit: Capcom)

“If you’re an FPS or third-person shooter player and you’ve got good aim, then the Archers could be a good match because the better you can aim, the better you will do with that kind of ranged character. I think it’ll help you get to grips with the game at the start,” Itsuno says. “Alternatively, if you’ve been playing more close-quarters combat games, and you’re playing the kind of game with rolling dodges to get out of the way of enemy attacks before countering, then the Thief is something that will suit that kind of player very well.”