For a brief period of time earlier today, it looked very much like Ubisoft’s open-world heist game Star Wars Outlaws would be out sometime near the end of 2024. The word came by way of a Disney Parks blog post, and while it’s not quite a specific date, it’s definitely more precise than what we previously knew—that it’s expected out sometime in 2024.
“For Star Wars fans—Star Wars Outlaws, the open-world Star Wars game is set to release late this year,” the 24 Oooh-Worthy Things at Disney Experiences in 2024 post said. “The game lets you explore distinct planets across the galaxy, both iconic and new. You can risk it all as Kay Vess, an emerging scoundrel seeking freedom and the means to start a new life, along with her companion Nix. If you’re willing to take the risk, the galaxy is full of opportunity.”
I write “said” rather than “says” because shortly after the blog post went live and people began to notice the “late this year” part, it was quickly edited to remove the time frame and now says only that Star Wars Outlaws is set to come out “in 2024.”
Fortunately, thanks to Wario64, gone is not forgotten:
So, was it an unintentional spill of the beans, like the time Warner Discovery CEO David Zaslav spilled the beans on Mortal Kombat 12, or was it a simple typo, like when my brain said “Minesweeper” and my fingers said “Minecraft?” Hey, it happens. (And I fixed it already, so don’t bother looking.)
Either way, late 2024 is a good bet: The holiday quarter is crowded but it’s still the traditional money-making season, and the fact that the year is now upon us and there’s still not a more accurate release window makes me think that “later” is definitely more likely than “sooner.” There’s also the possibility that Star Wars Outlaws does a Skull and Bones and sails off into 2025 and beyond. For now, though, a non-specific “2024” is it: In a statement sent to PC Gamer, a Ubisoft representative said the blog post was an error, and that the release timing remains unchanged.