Braid Anniversary Edition key art - the Braid guy jumping to reach for a floating puzzle piece

Braid: Anniversary Edition will feature 40 ‘brand new and/or alternate redesigns of original levels,’ and is also delayed into May

16 years after the release of the original Braid, four years after the announcement of the remake, five months after the reveal of the remake’s launch date, and just 12 days before it was finally set to happen, Braid: Anniversary Edition has been delayed. The good news is that it’s just a brief postponement: Instead of arriving on April 30 as planned, it’s now set to come out on May 14.

As updates go, Braid: Anniversary Edition is a big undertaking, with new soundtrack mixes and variants, “hand-repainted graphics,” smoother animations, and—this is the kicker—more than 15 hours of commentary from Braid creator Jonathan Blow and other members of the game industry.