Counter Strike 2 beta to launch this month on Source 2 engine

Counter Strike 2 beta to launch this month on Source 2 engine


The highly anticipated release of Counter-Strike 2 beta on the Source 2 engine is causing a high degree of perplexity in the gaming community. Anonymous sources cited by veteran journalist Richard Lewis in his Substack report claim that the game is set to launch this month, and pro players have already tested it, with reports saying that it is “about ready to go”.

The development process insiders have also revealed that the dev team’s primary objective is to release the game as soon as possible and then work on polishing it, fixing any bugs, and bringing it up to the level that CS fans expect. The lack of official communication or specific timeline from Valve has only added to the burstiness of the rumors and speculation.

The possibility of a new version has been a recurring topic of discussion since the Source 2 engine was rolled out for Dota 2. In June 2022, CS:GO content creator voo hinted at a new version when he was invited along with other content creators to playtest the new game at Valve’s headquarters. In July 2022, there were leaks and rumors that Shoots, Inferno, Lake, Overpass, Shortdust, and Italy were being playtested on the upgraded engine.

Despite the lack of official communication, NVIDIA’s latest drivers have listed support for “csgos2.exe” and “cs2.exe”, which is the most tangible third-party sign of what is to come. The gaming community is eagerly anticipating the launch of Counter-Strike 2 and the impact it will have on the franchise’s esports scene.

Counter-Strike has been a long-running franchise that has repeatedly broken its concurrent player count record and reached larger-than-ever audiences in tournament play. The changes in Counter-Strike 2 and how quickly players will migrate to the new version remain to be seen, but the buzz around the game has already generated significant excitement in the community.
