In a recent Twitch live stream, Sebastien “Ceb” Debs, a previous two-time winner of The International (TI) with OG, highlighted some of the top players in the mid and carry roles.
Ceb chose his favorite carry player(s) from each of the six areas in answer to a question from the Twitch chat: North America (NA), South America (SA), Western Europe (WEU), Eastern Europe (EEU), Southeast Asia (SEA), and China.
He then proceeded to name his favorite Midlanders in the same way. Ceb stated that while he chose some of the world’s best players, his decision was influenced by their playstyle.
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Ceb reveals his top Dota 2 mid and carry players from around the world.
Ceb stated that it would be very difficult to choose the top carry players from all current and retired players in the Twitch conversation, and instead gave his preferred names from the list of current players by area. He also stated that he would not evaluate OG players to avoid any potential bias.
Carry players
Ceb was certain about his choice of Lasse Aukusti “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen, Team Liquid’s carry, for WEU. The same thing happened in China, where he chose PSG. Wang “Ame” Chunyu of LGD.
Ceb couldn’t name a single EEU carry player, despite the fact that EEU carry players are now far more powerful than their counterparts in other regions.
Mid players
Ceb didn’t take any OG players into account in the midlaners category. He chose Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi and Leon “Nine” Kirilin in Europe, as well as Michael “miCKe” Vu.
So, Div 1 Europe, I’m not considering my team.” It’s either Miracle- (Nigma Galaxy) or Nine, I believe (Tundra Esports). MiCKe deserves special note (Liquid). Perhaps he deserves to be up there, but I haven’t seen enough of him. “I haven’t been paying attention to him carefully enough, so Miracle- and Nine
Ceb said that NAVI’s Vladimir “No[o]ne” Minenko and Team Spirit’s Alexander “TORONTOTOKYO” Khertek both ranked highly in the EEU when compared to their opponents. He liked Karl “Karl” Matthew Baldovino and Armel Paul “Armel” Baldovino in SEA.
Despite the fact that Ceb has retired from professional Dota 2, he regularly frequents pubs and meets many of the players there. Keep an eye on Ceb’s Twitch channel to watch him play high-level Dota 2 games.
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