Best Heroes For The Off Lane In 7.33 Patch

Best Heroes For The Off Lane In 7.33 Patch


You can choose these heroes to level up faster in the off lane during Dota 2 matches in the new 7.33 patch. 

Millions of people are coming online to play the updated 7.33 patch to find out what’s new in Dota 2. People can explore the New Frontiers map in the latest version of the strategy game to learn new ways to mutilate their enemies. The 7.33 patch has expanded the map by 40%, making space for new neutral creep camps, outposts, and 2 new homes for Roshan. 

There are Lotus Pools located in the off lane and the safe lane to help you collect Lotuses throughout the match. You can travel between lanes without using a Town Portal Scroll by accessing the Twin Gates to ambush your opponents. Players can activate 8 Watchers around the map to make it easier to plan team fights with their friends in the 7.33 patch. 

Here’s a rundown of the best heroes in the 7.33 patch that you can pick to farm more gold in the off lane.  

Arc Warden

Arc Warden kills an enemy in the off lane in the 7.33 patch

Arc Warden is an Agility hero who can push different lanes while his enemies are distracted. He can roam the New Frontiers map to kill loads of enemy heroes between lanes to give his team  a boost in battles. The ranged hero has over 600 health and 363 mana at the start of the match. He gains 3 Agility per level, providing him bonus attack speed to annihilate his opponents faster in the game. 

The new 7.33 patch has made several changes to his ulti, Tempest Double. Arc Warden can use his abilities with varying effects using his Tempest Double to increase his kill counts. The cooldown on his ulti at level 1 has been decreased from 60 seconds to 56 seconds. 

You can use Flux on enemy heroes in the off lane to deal 60 damage per second (DPS) for 6 seconds. The Tempest version of Flux deals a higher DPS to his enemies for the duration of the spell. Flux deals up to 95 DPS to enemy units using the Tempest Double that can be used to drain the health of his opponents in team fights. Enemy heroes will have their movement speed reduced after being affected by Flux. Arc Warden can use Flux once every 16 seconds and needs 75 mana to be used per cast. 

Magnetic Field has been improved in the 7.33 patch for the game. Allies standing within the Magnetic Field will have a 100% evasion rate on incoming attacks from enemy heroes outside. A Magnetic Field can last for up to 6.5 seconds. The Tempest version of Magnetic Field provides 150 bonus attack range to ranged heroes and an additional 80 magical damage per hit. The duration of the Tempest version of Magnetic Field can last for up to 8 seconds, letting his teammates decimate enemy heroes in the off lane during battles. 

You can purchase a Diffusal Blade for Arc Warden to gain 15 Agility and 10 Intelligence. The Agility hero can use Diffusal Blade to cast Inhibit on enemy heroes to slow their movement speed by 100%. Inhibit has a cooldown of 15 seconds. Physical attacks from Arc Warden can burn up to 40 mana per hit. You can upgrade a Diffusal Blade to Disperser to increase the Agility gain from 15 to 20. The item will also provide a bonus attack damage of 45. Disperser allows Arc Warden to use Suppress on allies to prevent their movement speed from being slowed in battles for up to 4 seconds. Arc Warden can easily counter enemy heroes like Lich and Viper by using Suppress on his teammates. 

Arc Warden can nuke enemy heroes in the off lane by casting multiple instances of Spark Wraith. He can place Spark Wraiths around the New Frontiers map to deal 340 damage to enemy units. These wraiths can last for up to 45 seconds. Enemy units affected by Spark Wraiths have their movement speed slowed by 100% for 0.7 seconds. The Tempest version of Spark Wraiths deals 255 damage and slow enemy units for up to 1.2 seconds in team fights. Spark Wraith has a low cooldown of 4 seconds, letting Arc Warden use his ability frequently to torment his enemies. Each Instance of Spark Wraith can consume 80 mana per cast. You can purchase a Cornucopia for Arc Warden from the Secret Shop to increase his mana regeneration by 2 early in your Dota 2 games.  

You can upgrade quite a few of his spells through the Talent Tree in the 7.33 patch. Arc Warden can increase the bonus magic damage granted to his Tempest Double inside a Magnetic Field by 40 at level 15. You can also reduce the cooldown of Magnetic Field by 9 seconds at level 20 through the Talent Tree. Tempest Double can deal full damage to his enemies at any distance by reaching level 25 in the match while playing Arc Warden.  

The ranged hero can destroy enemy towers in the off lane with a Manta Style. You can purchase a Manta Style for 4600 gold in the game. Arc Warden gains 26 Agility, 12 attack speed, 10 Strength, 10 Intelligence, and 10% movement speed after buying a Manta Style. You can cast Mirror Image to create 2 images of Arc Warden along with his Tempest Double to bring down enemy towers within seconds. The illusions summoned using Manta Style can deal up to 28% of his attack damage and lasts for 20 seconds. Arc Warden can earn tons of gold and experience in the off lane in the New Frontiers map using Manta Style. You can also teleport to the safe lane using the Twin Portals to push other lanes.  

Crystal Maiden

Crystal Maiden annihilates Drow Ranger with her ulti in the off lane

Crystal Maiden has an increased base damage of 2 in the new 7.33 patch. The Intelligence hero can restrain the movement of her enemies by casting her spells in the off lane. She can cast Crystal Nova to deal 260 damage to enemy units in a radius of 425. Enemy units affected by Crystal Nova have their movement speed slowed by 50% and their attack speed slowed by 75 for 5 seconds. Crystal Nova has a cooldown of 8 seconds and requires 175 mana to be used per cast. 

You can purchase a Void Stone for Crystal Maiden early in Dota 2 matches to increase her mana regeneration by 1.75. The cost of a Void Stone has been reduced from 825 to 700 in the 7.33 patch. You can complete a Pavise using a Void Stone to gain up to 2.5 mana regeneration, 175 health, and 3 armor. Crystal Maiden can use Pavise to cast Protect, shielding her allies for 300 damage from physical attacks for 18 seconds. 

The passive ability, Arcane Aura, can boost the mana regeneration of Crystal Maiden by 6, providing plenty of mana to nuke enemy heroes in battles. Allies of Crystal Maiden gain an increased mana regeneration of 3 while around the support hero. Crystal Maiden can freeze enemy heroes in their place by casting Frostbite on them. Enemy units affected by Frostbite take up to 100 DPS for 3 seconds. You can increase the duration of Frostbite by 1.25 seconds at level 25. 

Her ulti, Freezing Field, can be used to deal 250 DPS to all enemy units around Crystal Maiden in a radius of 810. The support hero gains a bonus armor of 20 while Freezing Field is active. Any nearby enemies surrounding Crystal Maiden have their movement speed slowed by 40% and their attack speed slowed by 60 for 10 seconds. The cooldown of Freezing Field has been decreased from 100 to 90 seconds in the 7.33 patch for Dota 2. 

You can purchase a Blink Dagger for Crystal Maiden to enter battles discreetly with the support hero. A Blink Dagger can be bought for 2250 gold in the game. You can upgrade Freezing Field with an Aghanim’s Scepter to apply Frostbite on enemy heroes affected by her ulti. 
