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The past few days have seen several leaks surfacing on the internet that hint that the port for CSGO Source 2 is just around the corner.
And needless to say, the community is more excited than ever, with players throughout the globe being ready to welcome the highly anticipated engine upgrade once it finally arrives.
Over the last two years, we’ve seen multiple leaks about the Source 2 upgrade coming to CSGO, but so far, fans have been left with nothing but disappointment. However, these recent Source 2 leaks that data miners have revealed over the last month indicate that the CSGO Source 2 update might be nearer than you think.
Here’s everything you need to know about all the recent CSGO Source 2 leaks:
CSGO Source 2 Update: What You Need to Know
The series of leaks started when Twitter user and popular CSGO leaker ‘Aquarius’ revealed that the developers behind the shooter were testing out the fan-favorite bomb-defusal map ‘Cobblestone’ on the Source 2 engine. The leaks mentioned the data ‘Offline Casual de_cbbl_s2’, which hints at the new map version being added to the engine.
Earlier this year, we had seen even more leaks surfacing on the internet confirming that Valve had been working on porting some of the CSGO maps to the Source 2 engine for a while. The maps that have already been reworked on the Source 2 engine include Inferno, Overpass, Italy, Shoots, Lake, and Shortdust.
The leaks mentioned above were then followed by another huge leak from ‘Gabe Follower’ that further hyped up the CSGO community. In his Tweet, the leaker mentioned that a speculated Source 2 port of CS:GO was being tested by the developers on the public App ID 730 instead of the usual private App ID 710.
While this may not seem like a major cause of excitement at first, it is, without a doubt, some huge news for the game. With the testing of Source 2 beginning on the public CSGO App ID, it’s only a matter of time before Valve adds the Source 2 versions of the previously mentioned maps to the same, which brings us much closer to the actual release of the Source 2 engine upgrade.
Finally, with the release of the Dota 2 Battle Pass on September 1st, dataminers were able to discover even more details about the CSGO Source 2 upgrade within the Dota 2 update.
In a Twitter thread, Aquarius breaks down the lines of code and mentions how they might be directly related to a CSGO Source 2 leak.
At the time of writing, no specific release date for the CSGO Source 2 engine upgrade has been revealed by the developers or leaked by dataminers. However, all these recent leaks might prove to be a ray of hope for the CSGO community to cling onto till we get further information on the Source 2 port for the competitive shooter.
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