Image for You can still play CS:GO, at least if you consider bizarre custom servers where you fight Final Fantasy summons

You can still play CS:GO, at least if you consider bizarre custom servers where you fight Final Fantasy summons ‘playing CS:GO’


The launch of Counter-Strike 2 has been exciting, but it comes with the disappointing caveat that, rather than succeeding CS:GO, it has completely replaced it. Well, almost completely: It’s actually still possible to launch CS:GO, and will be indefinitely, although you get a very limited version that may break in the future.

If you recoil from such modern Source 2 engine contrivances as dynamic volumetric smoke grenade smoke, here’s how to return to the warm embrace of regular smoke grenade smoke:

  1. Install Counter-Strike 2 on Steam
  2. Right-click on Counter-Strike 2 in your Steam library and open its Properties
  3. In the Betas tab, select “csgo_legacy: Legacy Version of CS:GO” in the dropdown menu
