Yacht Club Games have lifted the lid on what they have been working on after the success of Shovel Knight and it is a brand new action game which is titled, Mina the Hollower. The top-down action adventure game is Kickstarter funded project which has a goal of £230,401. This goal has already been achieved at the time of writing this. Mina the Hollower is a Game Boy Color inspired game visually and it will run at a silky 60 frames per second. You can check out the trailer fro the project below. A release date for Mina the Hollower has yet to be announced by Yacht Club Games.
“We want your feedback, collaboration, and support in making Mina the Hollower the best game it can possibly be. That’s why we’re returning to our roots and kicking off Mina the Hollower’s development as a Kickstarter campaign. Though we’re financing a majority of this project ourselves, we hope we can create a more expansive game this way. More importantly, we want to build a community around Kickstarter, much like we did with Shovel Knight.”
Yacht Club Games director and designer Alec Faulkner
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