
2021 has certainly been a tough year for many of us, but it’s been a surprisingly great one when it comes to quality video games. Much like at the beginning of 2020, Nintendo’s slate of upcoming games looked pretty empty back in January, but ongoing and often surprise announcements meant we ended up with a impressive lineup on Switch this year. We got a brand new 2D Metroid, for crying out loud — a real good’un, too!
With 2022 fast approaching, it’s time to rate all this year’s releases for our annual reader-ranked Game of the Year 2021!
We’ll be putting out our Nintendo Life GOTY 2021 Staff Picks over the holidays, but first we’re asking you to rate your favourites for our reader-ranked list of the Top 50 Best Switch Games of 2021. The end result will be much like those of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020: the top 50 Switch games of the year as governed by their User Ratings in our games database.
To rate any Nintendo Switch game released this year, simply start typing the title into the search bar at the top, click the star to bring up a rating of 1-10, and click the score you feel it deserves — job done! If you need a reminder on a particular game, feel free to click the game title and check out our review and screenshots.
We’ll publish the results over the holidays, but in the meantime why not reacquaint yourself with some of the Nintendo gaming highlights of 2021?
Note: We’ve only included the games we’ve reviewed on Nintendo Life this year below. If you wish to vote for a game we missed, please find it in our database and rate it accordingly via its game page — it will absolutely count towards the final list!
We also highly recommend you use the search bar to find the games you want to rate below. There’s no need to scroll through seven pages of games, unless you really want to!
Thank you so much for rating your favourites! Feel free to discuss them below, and we’ll reveal the results at a suitably festive time.
If you’re looking wondering about previous years, you can also find the Best Nintendo Switch Games of 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 in our bountiful catalogue of Switch essentials.