Now, we imagine that, much like Team Nintendo Life, some of you will have blitzed through much of the game over the weekend, while others — this writer included — are still only a world or two in at the time of writing. Still, with the game having been out in the wild for several days, it’s worth asking the question: What score would you give Mario Wonder?
Feel free to vote in the poll below and let us know. also, remember that a vote below counts towards the game’s user score in our database, but it’s not set in stone. If you want to give Mario Wonder a preliminary score now and revise it later, you absolutely can! Simply head to the game’s page and change your rating.
Whether you’re totally in love with the game or it’s not quite landing with you, let us know above and below. Is it a 10/10-er in your book? Or do you reckon it’s more of a 1-der…
Damnit, so close! Carry on.